Annotated Bibliography on the Great Wall of China
Draft, 6 April 2007
General studies || Field studies – General
|| Field studies –
Particular localities || Additional references
This bibliography includes items which I have come across
through years of collecting, plus items which I have been
able to find through straightforward bibliographic
searches in relation to each topic. It is therefore
somewhat idiosyncratic, including much that is only
peripherally relevant but undoubtedly missing some much
more relevant material.
The bibliographic software I use, Endnote version 9,
gives the possibility of attaching one graphic file to
each entry. I have often used this possibility to provide
one illustration from the publication, and sometimes for
various other purposes. Click on any image to see it
The Shi ji tells us that the First Emperor, after
the conquest of the Seven States, joined up their defence
walls to form a full defence wall against nomadic
incursions from the north. This was the original Great
Wall, a term later used for all the defence walls built
through the ages. In my annotations I have had difficulty
deciding when to translate changcheng 長城 as 'Great
Wall' and when merely as 'defence wall'.
This bibliography is an offshoot of a wider work in
progress, an annotated bibliography of the history and
archaeology of the state and empire of Qin. In the present
case I have chosen to include all material related to
defence walls, from Zhanguo to Ming, but Qin has had
priority in my collecting of material.
General studies
- - - -. 1981.
- ‘Changcheng wenxian ziliao jilüe’ 长城文献资料辑略
(Annotated bibliography of literature on the
Great Wall). In Zhongguo Changcheng yiji
diaocha baogao ji 中国长城遗迹调 查报告集. Beijing:
Wenwu Chubanshe 文物出版社, pp. 119–140.
Quotations of the basic sources on the Great
Wall from the Warring States to the Ming period,
with brief annotations. Unannotated list of
additional references – see pdf image.

Changcheng wenxian ziliao jilüe
(1981). Four-page pdf file. |
- - - -. 1981.
- ‘Qin dai Changcheng xi qi hechu?’ 秦代长城西起何处?
(Where is the western end of the Qin Great
Wall?). Wen hui bao 文汇报 1981.12.5.
Not seen. Source: Wenwu 1982.4: 95.
- - - -. 1982.
- La grande muraille .
Not seen. Source: bookseller’s catalogue. See
- - - -. 2006.
- Zhongguo Changcheng wang 中国长城网 (Website
on the Great Wall of China). Changcheng Xuehui
Popular site with an enormous amount of
material, including maps, colour photographs,
full-text articles (some academic), and links to
related sites.
- Bodard, Lucien. 1987.
- Les grandes murailles . Paris: B.
Not seen.
- Bonzi, L. 1959.
- La muraille de Chine .
Not seen. Source: bookseller’s catalogue. See

Source of Bonzi (1959). |
- Büchler, Pavel. 1986.
- 2200th anniversary of the Great Wall of
China, Berlin 1961-1986 . [S.l.]: [s.n.].
all ill ; 40 x 58 folded to 40 x 29 cm.
Not seen.
- Ch`eng, Ta-lin. 1984.
- The Great Wall of China . Hong Kong:
South China Morning Post : New China News.
col. ill ; 29 cm.
Not seen.
- Colombo John, Robert, and Jacques Godbout.
- La Grande muraille de Chine .
Montreal: Editions du Jour.
21 cm.
Not seen.
- Duyvendak Jan Julius, Lodewijk. 1953.
- De Grote Chinese muur. Rede, etc .
Not seen.
- Feng Faguang, and Chen Weidong, eds. 1993.
- Great wall . Beijing.
Not seen. Source: bookseller’s catalogue. See

Source of Feng Faguang &
Chen Weidong (1993). |
- Fryer, Jonathan. 1975.
- The Great Wall of China . London: New
English Library.
ill., maps, ports ; 26 cm. Bibliography
Not seen.
- Gao Wang 高旺. 1995.
- Neimenggu Changcheng shihua 内蒙古长城史话
(The story of the Great Wall in Inner Mongolia).
Hohhot: Neimenggu renmin.
Not seen. Source: Danish Royal Library catalogue
- Geil, William Edgar. 1909.
- The great wall of China . London: J.
plates, maps ; 24 cm.
Not seen.
- Godbout, Jacques, and John Robert Colombo.
- La grand muraille de Chine . 1 vols.
Montreal: Editions du Jour.
Poetry. Not seen.
- Görbing-King, Charles. 1973.
- Wall of death : the building of the Great
Wall of China . London: Abelard-Schuman.
Not seen.
- Jing Ai 景爱. 2005.
- ‘Guanyu Changcheng qiyuan de wushuo’ 关于长城起源的误说
(Some incorrect theories on the origin of the
Great Walll). Beifang wenwu 北方文物
(‘Northern cultural relics’) 2005.1: 75–81.
Refutes three theories discussed by Lao Lei
(2002) concerning the origin of the Great Wall:
1. It was intended for water control. 2. It was
not intended for military defence. 3. It was
intended as a showpiece.
- Lan, Peijin, and Lei Cao. 1997.
- Chang cheng = The Great Wall .
Beijing: Waiwen Chubanshe 外文出版社.
Not seen.
- Lao Lei 老雷. 2002.
- Shiqu chen’ai: zhaoxun zhenshi de
Changcheng 拭去尘埃:找寻真实的长城 (Wiping away the
dust: In search of the real Great Wall).
Dongfang Chubanshe 东方出版社.
Not seen; cited by Jing Ai (2005).
- Li Wenlong 李文龙. 2001.
- ‘Zhongguo gudai Changcheng de sige lishi
fazhan jieduan’ 中国古代长城的四个历史发展阶段 (Four historical
stages in the development of the ancient Chinese
Great Wall). Wenwu chunqiu 文物春秋
(Cultural relics annals) 2001.2: 37–39, 43.
Review of historical sources. The stages are: 1.
Proto-form, ca. 2000 BC. 2. Early form,
Chunqiu–Zhanguo. 3. Basic form, Qin–Tang. 4.
Final form, Jīn–Ming.
- Li Wenxin 李文信. 1979.
- ‘Zhongguo beibu Changcheng yan’ge kao (shang)’
中国北部长城沿革考(上) (The changes and development of
defence walls in north China, part 1). Shehui
kexue jikan 社会科学辑刊 (Social sciences
compendium) 1979.1.
Not seen. Cited by Ye Xiaoyan (1987: 48, fn. 6).
- Lindesay, William. 2003.
- ‘Wild wall’
Web-site with much material on the Ming Great
Wall, including numerous colour photographs.
Bibliography lists a number of publications not
listed in the present bibliography, including
several books by Lindesay.
- Liu Huru 劉虎如. 1931.
- ‘Changcheng’ 長城 (The Great Wall). Xuesheng
zazhi 學生雜志 (Students’ magazine) 18.3:
Not seen. Cited in Zhongguo kaoguxue wenxian
mulu 1900–1949 (1991: 265).
- Liu Xiang 刘翔, and Liu Shuyong 刘蜀永. 1982.
- ‘XX Qiang zhong ming – Woguo muqian zui zao he
weiyi jizai Changcheng lishi de jinwen’ 囗羌钟铭 –
我国目前最早和惟一记载长城历史的金文 (The XX-Qiang inscription:
The earliest and unique bronze inscription
reporting the history of the Great Wall.). Kaogu
yu wenwu 考古与文物 (‘Archaeology and cultural
relics’) 1982.2: 50–51.
This inscription, on a Zhanguo set of bells
found in Luoyang in 1928, appears to mention changcheng
长城. The otherwise earliest occurrences of the
term are in Shui jing zhu, Tongjian
waiji 通鉴外纪, and Zhushu jinian. For
the character XX see image.

Title of Liu Xiang & Liu
Shuyong (1982) |
- Lo, Che-wen [i.e. Luo Zhewen 罗哲文]. 1981.
- The Great Wall . Michael Joseph:
ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm Bibliography: p. 188
Includes index.
Not seen.
- Lo, Che-wen [i.e. Luo Zhewen 罗哲文], and Lo
Chao. 1986.
- The Great Wall of China in history and
legend . (Traditional Chinese arts and
culture). Beijing ; Beijing: Foreign Languages
Press : Distributed by China International Book
Trading Corp. (Guoji Shudian).
ill. (some col.), maps ; 26 cm.
Not seen.
- Locnaeus, J. 1694.
- Murus Sinensis brevi dissertatione
adumbratus. . Uppsala: H. Keyser.
Not seen. Source: bookseller's catalogue. See

Locnaeus (1694). |
- Lum, Peter. 1960.
- The purple barrier : the story of the Great
Wall of China . London: R. Hale.
illus ; 23 cm Includes bibliographical
references and index.
Not seen.
- Luo Zhewen 罗哲文. 1981.
- ‘Wanli Changcheng 万里长城 ’ (The Great Wall). Wenwu
tiandi 文物天地 (‘Cultural relics world’)
1981.1: 3–4.
Popular historical article. No illustrations,
very little archaeology.
- Luo, Zewen [i.e. Luo Zhewen 罗哲文], Jacques
Gernet, and Emil M. Bührer. 1981.
- The Great Wall . New York: McGraw
ill., maps ; 29 cm Includes bibliographical
references and index.
- Michaud, Roland, Michel Jan, and Sabrina
Michaud. 2000.
- La grande muraille de Chine . Paris:
Impr. nationale.
Not seen.
- Michaud, Roland, Sabrina Michaud, and Michel
Jan. 2001.
- The great wall of China . 1st ,
English ed ed. New York: Abbeville Press
ill. (some col.), col. map ; 31 cm. Includes
bibliographical references (p. 263-264) and
Not seen.
- Murata Akio 村田亞紀夫. 1987.
- ‘Kodai Chūgoku ni okeru jōheki kenchiku’
古代中國における城壁建築 (City and wall construction in
ancient China). Shigaku kenkyū 史學研究 175.
Not seen. Falkenhausen (2002: 29): ‘Explores the
construction of capitals and of the Great Wall
during the Warring States period.’
- Nancarrow, Peter. 1978.
- Early China and the wall . (Cambridge
to the history of mankind : topic book).
Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University Press.
ill., maps, plan ; 21x22cm Index.
Not seen. ‘Traces the history of China from the
earliest times to about 50 B.C. and discusses
the origins of walled fortifications that
eventually resulted in the building of the Great
- Ou Yan 瓯燕. 1999.
- ‘Yan guo kaituo Zuguo beijiang de lishi
gongji’ 燕国开拓祖国北疆的历史功绩 (The historical
contribution of the state of Yan in the opening
up of the northern frontier of the Homeland). Wenwu
chunqiu 文物春秋 (Cultural relics annals)
1999.4: 1–6.
Historical study, very little archaeology.
Includes sources on pre-Qin and Qin walls.
- Qianlong 乾隆 (Emperor). 1752.
- Gu Changcheng shuo 古長城說 (On the ancient
Great Wall, stone inscription).
Not seen. Buni Alin (1981: 40, 41, fig. 2)
quotes from it and gives a poor photograph of a
- Sauvain, Philip, and Edward Mortelmans. 1972.
- The Great Wall of China. (Round the
world histories, 26). [Amersham]: Hulton.
ill.(some col), maps(some col) ; 21cm.
Not seen.
- Schwartz, Daniel, and Jorge Luis Borges. 1990.
- The Great Wall of China . London:
Thames and Hudson.
ill., maps, ports ; 27cm Contents: Contains The
Wall and the books, a chapter from Labyrinths by
Jorge Luis Borges: New Directions, 1962.
Not seen.
- Shi Nianhai 史念海. 1999.
- ‘Xibei diqu zhu changcheng de fenbu ji qi
lishi junshi dili’ 西北地区诸长城的分布及其历史军事地理 (The
distribution of ancient defence walls in the
Northwest and their historical and military
geography). In He shan ji: Qi ji 河山集 七集.
Xi’an: Shǎnxi Shifan Daxue Chubanshe 陕西师范大学出版社,
pp. 324–.
Not seen. Source Zhongguo bianjiang shi-di
yanjiu, 2003.2: 17, fn. 5.
- Shou Pengfei 壽鵬飛. 1941.
- ‘Wanli Changcheng kao’ 萬里長城考 (On the
Ten-thousand-li Great Wall). Guoxue congkan
國學叢刊 (Beijing) (Sinology Collection) 1–2: 12–18,
Not seen. Cited in Zhongguo kaoguxue wenxian
mulu 1900–1949 (1991: 265).
- Shou Pengfei 壽鵬飛. 1941/1978.
- Lidai Changcheng kao 歷代長城攷. Hong Kong:
Longmen shudian 龍門書店.
Orig. Detian Lu cungao 得天廬存稿, 2.
Very thorough study of the historical sources on
the Great Wall from the Warring States to the
Ming period. No field observations or

Shou Pengfei (1941). |
- Silverberg, Robert. 1965.
- The Great Wall of China . 1st ed.
Philadelphia: Chilton Books.
ill., maps ; 23 cm Bibliography included
Bibliography: p. 222-224.
Not seen.
- Sun Ling 孙玲. 2004.
- ‘Quanguo di yi ge Changcheng baohu zhuanxiang
guizhang chutai – Jieshao “Beijing shi
Changcheng baohu guanli banfa” de zhidao
sixiang’ 全国第一个长城保护专项规章出台–介绍 “北京市长城保护管理办法” 的指导思想
(The first law devoted to preservation of the
Great Wall – Introduction to the guiding
ideology behind the regulations). Beijing
wenbo 北京文博 (Beijing cultural relics and
museums) 2004.1: 15–20.
Discussion and text of Beijing municipal
regulkations concerning the preservation of
Great Wall remains. Photographs of Ming wall
- Tuo Wu 橐吾. 1925.
- ‘Wanli Changcheng kao’ 萬里長城考 (On the
Ten-thousand-li Great Wall). Dongbei wenhua
yuebao 東北文化 月報 4.3–4: 14–21.
Not seen. Cited in Zhongguo kaoguxue wenxian
mulu 1900–1949 (1991: 265).
- Waldron, Arthur. 1983.
- ‘The problem of the Great Wall ’. Harvard
journal of Asiatic studies 43.2: 643–663.
A history of ideas about the Great Wall and
about Chinese defence walls in general, with
emphasis on the Ming wall. Many references to
historical sources and modern studies. No
archaeology. No illustrations.
- Waldron, Arthur. 1990.
- The Great Wall of China : from history to
myth. Canto ed. (Cambridge studies in
Chinese history, literature and institutions).
Cambridge [England] ; New York: Cambridge
University Press.
ill : maps ; 24cm. Includes bibliography and
Not seen.
- Wang, Feng. 1996.
- The Great wall is a great wall = A great
wall . [London]: Channel 4.
1videocassette, 110 min : sd., col. Motion
picture, Video. Multiple languages. Cast
includes Wang Xiao, Li Qinqin, Xiu Jian. English
subtitles. Film made in 1985. Off air recording.
Not seen.
- Wang Guoliang 王國良. 1931.
- Zhongguo Changcheng yan’ge kao 中國長城沿革攷
(‘History of the Great Wall’, by Wang Kuo
Liang). Shanghai: Shangwu Yinshuguan 商務印書館.
Facs. repr. Wang Guoliang & Shou Pengfei
Very thorough study of the historical sources on
the Great Wall from the Warring States to the
Ming period. No field observations or
archaeology. Numerous maps.
- Wang Li 王莉, and Li Shaobai 李少白. 2003.
- ‘Gei Changcheng yige shuofa’ 给长城一个说法 (An
interpretation of the Great Wall). Wenwu
tiandi 文物天地 (‘Cultural relics world’)
2003.12: 4–11.
An appreciation of the Ming wall, with colour
- Wei Baoxin 魏保信. 1997.
- ‘Mingdai Changcheng kaolüe’ 明代长城考略 (The Great
Wall of the Ming period). Wenwu chunqiu
文物春秋 (Cultural relics annals) 1997.2: 51–55.
Review of historical sources on the building of
the Ming wall. No archaeology, no illustrations.
- Xiao Huakun 肖华锟, and Ai Tinghe 艾廷和. 2003.
- ‘Chu changcheng de jianzhu shijian he xingshi
kao’ 楚长城的建筑时间和形式考 (The construction period and
form of the Chu defence walls). Jiang Han
kaogu 江汉考古 (‘Jianghan archaeology’)
2003.4: 69–74.
Review of historical sources on the Chu defence
walls. Sources cited include Zuo zhuan,
Shi ji, Shui jing zhu, and Kuo
di zhi. Very brief field observations. No
illustrations. English abstract in article, see

Xiao Huakun & Ai Tinghe
(2003) |
- Ye Xiaoyan 叶小燕. 1987.
- ‘Zhongguo zaoqi changcheng de tansuo yu cunyi’
中国早期长城的探索与存疑 (Investigations and doubts
concerning the early defence walls of China). Wenwu
文物 (‘Cultural relics’) 1987.7: 41–49.
Study of historical sources concerning walls of
the Zhanguo, Qin, and Han periods. Sources cited
include Shi ji, Shui jing zhu, Zhu
shu ji nian, local gazetteers, bronze
inscriptions, Kuo di zhi, Tai ping
huan yu ji, Han shu, Zuo zhuan,
Hou Han shu, Guo yu. Cites some
archaeological surveys. Map.

Ye Xiaoyan (1987). |
- Yu Jin 郁进, and Luo Zhewen 罗哲文, eds. 1980.
- Changcheng (‘The Great Wall’). Beijing:
Wenwu Chubanshe 文物出版社.
A picture book covering defence walls of all
periods, with OK photographs, many in colour.
Short text in Chinese and English by Luo Zhewen.

From Yu Jin (1980). |
- Zhang Min 张敏. 2003.
- ‘Lun Bei Wei Changcheng – junzhen fangyu tixi
de jianli’ 论北魏长城 – 军镇防御体系的建立 (The defence wall
of the Northern Wei [AD 386–584]: The
establishment of a garrison defence system). Zhongguo
bianjiang shi di yanjiu 中国边疆史地研究 (‘China’s
borderland history and geography studies’) 13.2:
Detailed historical study, based largely on Wei
shu and Bei shi. A few references
to field studies. No illustrations.
- Zhang Pingyi 张平一. 2003.
- ‘Hebei jingnei changcheng de lishi jiazhi he
zuoyong’ 河北境内长城的历史价值和作用 (The historical value
and function of the Great Wall in Hebei
province). Wenwu chunqiu 文物春秋 (Cultural
relics annals) 2003.1: 28–33.
Review of historical sources on defence walls of
all periods in Hebei province. No archaeology,
no illustrations.
- Zhang Weihua 张维华. 1979.
- Zhongguo Changcheng jianzhi kao
中国长城建置考 (The construction of the Great Wall of
Not seen. Source: Zhongguo shehui kexue
1981.5: 199; Wenwu 1987.7: 48.
- Zhang Wenjiang 张文江. 2004.
- ‘Weinan diqu Qin Wei zhu Changcheng kaobian’
渭南地区秦魏诸长城考辨 (The Great Wall of the states of Qin
and Wei in the Weinan region). Wenbo 文博
(Relics and museology) 2004.1: 40–45.
Study of historical sources, including Shi
ji, Shui jing zhu, Lü shi
chunqiu. No archaeology, no illustrations.
- Zhang Xiangwen 張相文. 1914.
- ‘Changcheng kao’ 長城考 (On the Great Wall). Dixue
zazhi 地學雜志 (Geography magazine) 5.9: 1–3.
Not seen. Cited in Zhongguo kaoguxue wenxian
mulu 1900–1949 (1991: 265).
- Zhu Weiming 朱維明. 1935.
- ‘Wanli Changcheng’ 萬里長城 (The Ten-thousand-li
Great Wall). Zhongxuesheng 中學生
(Middle-school student) 54: 87–98.
Not seen. Cited in Zhongguo kaoguxue wenxian
mulu 1900–1949 (1991: 265). Map.
Field studies – General
- - - -. 1981.
- Zhongguo Changcheng yiji diaocha baogao ji
中国长城遗迹调查报告集 (Collection of field surveys of
remains of the Great Wall). Beijing: Wenwu
Chubanshe 文物出版社.
Facsimile reprints of 15 journal articles, plus
introduction plus annotated bibliography. Walls
from Zhanguo to Ming. No indication of original
publication data. See image for Table of
Contents. Not all articles are registered
separately in the present bibliography.

Zhongguo Changcheng yiji diaocha
baogao (1981). |
- - - -. 1981.
- ‘Changcheng baohu yanjiu gongzuo zuotanhui
ceji’ 长城保护研究工作座谈会侧记 (Symposium on conservation
of the Great Wall). In Zhongguo Changcheng
yiji diaocha baogao ji 中国长城遗迹调查报告集.
Beijing: Wenwu Chubanshe 文物出版社, pp. 1–5.
The symposium was held in July–August 1979 in
Hohhot, and concluded with concrete proposals to
the politicians. Article has some information on
archaeological and conservation work in
progress. No illustrations.
- - - -. 1986.
- ‘Zhanguo, Qin, Han Changcheng diaocha (bitan)’
战国、秦、汉长城调查 (笔谈) (Jottings on investigations of
the Zhanguo, Qin, and Han Great Walls). Wenwu
tiandi 文物天地 (‘Cultural relics world’)
1986.2: 41–43.
Short comments by 10 archaeologists and
historians who have participated in field
surveys of the walls. Two poor photographs.

Anon. (1986). |
- - - -. 1986.
- ‘[Photographs of the Great Wall]’. Wenwu
tiandi 文物天地 (‘Cultural relics world’)
1986.3: front cover, inside back cover.
Colour photograph of the Qin wall on cover, 7
b/w photographs of the Han and Ming walls on
inside back cover.

WWTD 1986.3. |
- - - -. 1989.
- Xi Zhou wenwu zhi 西周文物志 (Western Zhou
archaeology [in Lanzhou, Gansu]).
Not seen. Cited by Xian Ming & Shang Wuzheng
(1992: 88, 96, fn. 13) for construction details
of Ming wall in Lanzhou.
- - - -. 1998.
- Zhongguo wenwu dituji: Shǎnxi fence
中国文物地图集 陕西分册 (Atlas of Chinese cultural relics:
Shaanxi). 2 vols. Xi’an: Xi’an Ditu Chubanshe
Material on the Qin and Wei Great Walls in vol.
1, pp. 70–71, 390–391; more in the maps and
descriptions of individual counties. Nine good
colour photographs.

Zhongguo wenwu dituji: Shaanxi,
p. 391. |
- Brazier, J. S. 1886.
- ‘Analysis of brick from the Great Wall of
China ’. Journal of the China Branch of the
Royal Asiatic Society 21.3/4: 232.
Not seen. Source: Orientalische
Bibliographie, 1887.
- Cheng, Dalin, and Zhongyi Yan. 1990.
- Rare pictures of the Great Wall of China .
Beijing: Morning Glory Publishers.
chiefly col. ill. ; 35 cm.
Not seen.
- Cheng Dalin. 1987.
- Peregrinations along the Great Wall .
Hong Kong: Commercial Press.
Not seen.
- Clapp, F. C. 1922.
- ‘Great Wall of China: A geologist’s
examination of the oldest artificial structure
in the world ’. Scientific American 126:
Not seen. Source: Industrial arts index,
1922/23, p. 268.
- Hanbury-Tenison, Robin. 1987.
- A ride along the Great Wall. London:
ill.(some col.). 24 cm. Includes bibliography
and index.
Not seen.
- Hong Ming 洪銘. 1917.
- ‘Changcheng kao’ 長城考 (On the Great Wall). Xuesheng
zazhi 學生雜志 (Students’ magazine) 4.2:
Not seen. Cited in Zhongguo kaoguxue wenxian
mulu 1900–1949 (1991: 265). 2
- Huang Zhanyue 黄展岳. 1984.
- ‘Qin Han Changcheng yiji de diaocha’ 秦汉长城遗迹的调查
(Investigation of the remains of the Great Wall
of the Qin and Han periods). In Xin Zhongguo
de kaogu faxian he yanjiu 新中国的考古发现和研究.
Beijing: Wenwu Chubanshe 文物出版社, pp. 400–406,
Brief historical account followed by a survey of
field investigations, with numerous references.
No illustrations. Probably the best short
introduction to the subject.
- Jia Zhoujie 贾洲杰. 1981.
- ‘Jīndai Changcheng’ 金代长城 (The Great Wall of
the Jīn Dynasty [1115–1234]). In Zhongguo
Changcheng yiji diaocha baogao ji
中国长城遗迹调查报告集. Beijing: Wenwu Chubanshe 文物出版社, pp.
76–83, 92.
Historical study and general description of
remains. Some construction details. 2 maps, line

Jia Zhoujie (1981: 81, fig. 3). |
- Lindesay, William. 1989.
- Alone on the Great Wall : from the desert
to the sea . 1 vols. London: Hodder &
ill ; 23cm Includes bibliography and index.
Not seen.
- Luo Zhewen 罗哲文. 1986.
- ‘Sun Fang wanli hui Changcheng’ 孙芳万里绘长城 (Sun
Fang paints the Great Wall over 10,000 li.).
Wenwu tiandi 文物天地 (‘Cultural relics
world’) 1986.3: 30–32.
Description of an exhibition of paintings of the
Great Wall, by Sun Fang. Five poor photographs
of paintings.
- Luo Zhewen 罗哲文, He Hong 何洪, and Wang Li 王莉.
- ‘Changcheng xiongguan zhi duoshao?’ 长城雄关知多少?
(How many passes are there in the Great Wall?).
Wenwu tiandi 文物天地 (‘Cultural relics
world’) 2001.6: 64–65.
Two-page colour map of China showing all the
walls, Zhanguo–Ming, with notes on the passes.
Small inset colour photographs.
- Schwartz, Daniel. 2001.
- The Great Wall of China : with 149 duotone
photographs and 6 maps. New ed ed. London:
Thames and Hudson.
ill.., maps, ports ; 20 x 25 cm Previous ed.:
Not seen.
- Xiao Jingquan 萧景全. 2000.
- ‘Liaodong diqu Yan, Qin, Han Changcheng
zhangsai de kaoguxue kaocha yanjiu’ 辽东地区燕, 秦,
汉长城障塞的考古学考察研究 (Archaeological studies of Great
Wall fortresses of Yan, Qin, and Han in
Liaodong). Beifang wenwu 北方文物 (‘Northern
cultural relics’) 2000.3: 78–83.
Review of published archaeoological studies.
Numerous references, mostly to inaccessible
publications – see image.

Xiao Jingquan (2000). |
- Xu Juqing 徐琚清. 1929.
- ‘Beibian Changcheng kao’ 北邊長城考 (On the
northern Great Wall). Shixue nianbao
史學年報 (Historical annual) 1: 15–19.
Not seen. Cited in Zhongguo kaoguxue wenxian
mulu 1900–1949 (1991: 265).
- Xu Yongjie 许永杰. 1992.
- ‘Changcheng yanxian Zhou Qin shiqi shuang er
taoqi de chubu kaocha’ 长城沿线周秦时期双耳陶器的初步考察
(Preliminary study of two-eared pots found along
the Zhou–Qin period Great Wall). Beifang
wenwu 北方文物 (‘Northern cultural relics’)
1992.2: 3–11.
Pots of many kinds, some well-known in Chinese
contexts, but with two ears for hanging up. They
are a useful indicator of influence from
northern non-Chinese ethnic groups. Map, line
drawings of artefacts.

Xu Yongjie (2000). |
Field studies – Particular localities
- - - -. 1959.
- ‘Shǎnxi Huayin Yuezhen Zhanguo gu cheng kancha
ji’ 陕西华阴岳镇战国古城勘察记 (Field studies of ancient
walls at Yuezhen in Huayin County, Shaanxi). Kaogu
考古 (‘Archaeology’) 1959.11.
Not seen. Source Kaogu 1980.6: 487, fn.
- - - -. 1981.
- ‘Shānxi sheng jingnei Changcheng jiankuang’
山西省境内长城简况 (Brief description of the Great Wall
in Shanxi province). In Zhongguo Changcheng
yiji diaocha baogao ji 中国长城遗迹调查报告集.
Beijing: Wenwu Chubanshe 文物出版社, pp. 101–105.
General description of walls built from the
Northern Wei to the Ming period. 2 maps, 2 poor
- - - -. 1981.
- ‘Ningxia jingnei Zhanguo, Qin, Han Changcheng
yiji’ 宁夏境内战国、秦、汉长城遗迹 (Remains of the Great Wall
of the Zhanguo, Qin, and Han periods in Ningxia
Province). In Zhongguo Changcheng yiji
diaocha baogao ji 中国长城遗迹调查报告集. Beijing:
Wenwu Chubanshe 文物出版社, pp. 45–51.
Field survey. Some details of construction
techniques. Map, 13 poor photographs of
features, photographs of surface finds, line

Ningxia jingnei Zhanguo, Qin,
Han Changcheng yiji (1981: 49, fig. 15). |
- - - -. 1982.
- ‘Qin Changcheng qi yu jin Lintao er fei
Minxian’ 秦长城起于今临洮而非岷县 (The western end of the
Qin Great Wall is in modern Lintao, not in
Minxian). Zhongguoshi yanjiu dongtai
中国史研究动态 1982.3.
Not seen. Source: Shixue qingbao 1982.3:
- - - -. 1992?
- ‘Lanzhou diqu Han, Ming changcheng yiji
diaocha’ 兰州地区汉、明长城遗迹调查 (Investigation of remains
of Han and Ming defence walls in Lanzhou
Not seen. Cited by Xian Ming & Shang Wuzheng
(1992: 96, fn. 6).
- - - -. 1997.
- ‘Changcheng yicun ’ 长城遗存 (Remains of the Great
Wall.). Wenbo 文博 (Relics and museology)
1997.3: 56–67.
General survey of defence wall sites of all
periods in the province of Shaanxi. Map, poor

Wenbo 1997.3: 58 |
- Buni Alin 布尼阿林. 1981.
- ‘Hebei sheng Weichang xian Yan Qin changcheng
diaocha baogao’ 河北省围场县燕秦长城调查报告 (Investigation of
the Yan–Qin defence wall in Weichang County,
Hebei). In Zhongguo Changcheng yiji diaocha
baogao ji 中国长城遗迹调查报告集. Beijing: Wenwu
Chubanshe 文物出版社, pp. 40–44, 51.
Field survey of 600 km of wall and some
structures associated with it. Map, 5 poor

Buni Alin (1981: 40, fig. 1). |
- Chen Mengdong 陈孟东, and Liu Hexin 刘合心. 1983.
- ‘Wei guo xi changcheng diaocha’ 魏国西长城调查
(Investigation of the western defence wall of
the state of Wei). Renwen zazhi 人文杂志
(Humanities journal) 1983.8.
Not seen. Cited by Yao Shuangnian (1993: 56, fn.
- Chen Shouzhong 陈守忠. 1984.
- ‘Gansu jingnei Qin Changcheng yiji diaocha ji
kaozheng’ 甘肃境内秦长城遗迹调查及考证 (Investigation of
remains of the Qin Great Wall in Gansu
province). Lishi jiaoxue wenti 历史教学问题
(Issues in history teaching) 1984.2: 13–.
Not seen. Source: Zhongguo kaoguxue nianjian
1985, p. 360
- Chen Shouzhong 陈守忠. 1984.
- ‘Gansu jingnei Qin Changcheng yiji diaocha ji
kaozheng’ 甘肃境内秦长城遗迹调查及考证 (Investigation of
remains of the Qin Great Wall in Gansu
province). Xibei shidi 西北史地
(Northwestern history and geography) 1984.2.
Not seen. Source: Ye Xiaoyan (1987: 49, fn. 14).
- Chen Shouzhong 陈守忠, and Wang Zongyuan 王宗元.
- ‘Gansu jingnei Qin Changcheng yiji kaocha ji
kaozheng’ 甘肃境内秦长城遗迹考查及考证. Yazhou wenming
luncong 亚洲文明论丛 (Essays on Asian
Not seen; cited by Xian Ming & Shang Wuzheng
(1992: 88, fn. 1).
- Dai Yingxin 戴应新, and Kang Lanying 康兰英. 1988.
- ‘Shenmu xian Kuyehe shangyou Qin changcheng
diaocha ji’ 神木县窟野河上游秦长城调查记 (Investigation of a
Qin defence wall on the upper reaches of the
Kuye River in Shenmu County, Shaanxi). Kaogu yu
wenwu 考古与文物 (‘Archaeology and cultural relics’)
1988.2: 56–64.
Field survey of a ca. 100-km section of a Qin
wall in northern Shaanxi. Some details of
construction techniques. Map, poor photographs,
line drawings.

Dai Yingxin & Kang Lanying
(1988: 57). |
- Dai Zhishang 戴志尚, and Liu Hexin 刘合心. 1991.
- ‘Yulin xin faxian yiduan Qin-Han Changcheng
yizhi’ 榆林新发现一段秦汉长城遗址 (A newly discovered section
of the Qin–Han Great Wall in Yulin, Shaanxi). Zhongguo
wenwu bao 中国文物报 (Chinese cultural relics
news) 1991.1.27: 1.
Not seen. Source: Wenbo 1992.6: 87.
- Dai Zhishang 戴志尚, and Liu Hexin 刘合心. 1993.
- ‘Yulin shi jingnei xin faxian yiduan Qin Han
changcheng yizhi ’ 榆林市境内新发现一 段秦汉长城遗址 (A
newly-discovered section of a Qin–Han wall in
Yulin Municipality, Shaanxi). Wenbo 文博
(Relics and museology) 1993.2: 82–83.
Field survey of a newly-discovered section of a
Qin–Han wall, ca. 25 li (12.5 km) long.
Some information on construction techniques.
Map, poor photographs.

Dai Zhishang & Liu Hexin
(1993: 82). |
- Egami Namio, and Mizuno Seiichi. 1935.
- Naimōko Chōjō chitai 內蒙古•長城地帶 Mōko saisekki
bunka Suien seidōki oyobi Shina hokukyō
jōsekimo doki iseki (‘Inner Mongolia and
the region of the great wall’). Reprint 1971 ed.
(Tōa kōkogaku sōkan : otsu shu 1). Tōkyō &
Kyōto: Tōa kōko gakkai 東亞考古學會.
Not seen. Source: Danish & Swedish library
catalogues; see image.

Egami & Mizuno (1935). |
- Fang Jianrong 方健荣. 2004.
- ‘Dunhuang de Changcheng’ 敦煌的长城 (The Great Wall
in Dunhuang). Sichou zhi lu 丝绸之路 (‘The
Silk Road’) 2004.10: 23.
Brief description of a part of the Great Wall in
Dunhuang, Gansu. One OK photograph.

From Fang Jianrong (2004). |
- Fu Yunsen 傅運森. 1911.
- ‘Qin Changcheng dongduan kao’ 秦長城東端考 (The
eastern end of the Qin Great Wall). Dixue
zazhi 地學雜志 (Geography magazine) 2.17: 1–3.
Not seen. Cited in Zhongguo kaoguxue wenxian
mulu 1900–1949 (1991: 265).
- Gai Shanlin 盖山林, and Lu Sixian 陆思贤. 1980.
- ‘Neimenggu jingnei Zhanguo Qin Han Changcheng
yiji’ 内蒙古境内战国秦汉长城遗迹 (Remains of the Great Wall
of the Zhanguo, Qin, and Han periods in Inner
Mongolia). In Zhongguo Kaogu Xuehui di yi ci
nianhui lunwenji 1979 中国考古学会第一次年会论文集 1979
Beijing: Wenwu Chubanshe 文物出版社, pp. 212–224.
Field survey and trial excavations. Map, poor
photographs, line drawings.

Gai Shanlin & Lu Sixian
(1980). |
- Gai Shanlin 盖山林, and Lu Sixian 陆思贤. 1981.
- ‘Yinshan Nanli de Zhao Changcheng’ 阴山南麓的赵长城
(The Zhao Great Wall in the southern foothills
of the Yinshan Mountains, Inner Mongolia). In Zhongguo
Changcheng yiji diaocha baogao ji 中国长城遗迹
调查报告集. Beijing: Wenwu Chubanshe 文物出版社, pp.
Field survey. Some details of construction
techniques. Map, line drawings, 6 poor

Gai Shanlin & Lu Sixian
(1981: 21, fig. 1). |
- Gai Shanlin 盖山林, and Lu Sixian 陆思贤. 1981.
- ‘Chaoge qi Zhaolukulun Handai shicheng ji qi
fujin de changcheng’ 潮格旗朝鲁库伦汉代石城及其附近的长城 (A
Han-period stone bastion and nearby defence wall
at Zhaolukulun in Chaoge Banner, Inner
Mongolia). In Zhongguo Changcheng yiji
diaocha baogao ji 中国长城遗迹调查报告集. Beijing:
Wenwu Chubanshe 文物出版社, pp. 25–33.
Trial excavations of the bastion and field
survey of the defence wall. Some construction
details. Map, line drawings of artefacts and
features, 11 poor photographs of features

Gai Shanlin & Lu Sixian
(1981: 10, fig. 31. |
- Gao Hongbin 高鸿宾. 2003.
- ‘Zhangjiakou Zhanguo Zhao changcheng kao’
张家口战国赵长城考 (A Zhao wall of the Zhangguo period in
Zhangjiakou, Hebei). Wenwu chunqiu 文物春秋
(Cultural relics annals) 2003.6: 38–41.
Survey of a 100-km section of an ancient wall
west of Beiing. References to Shi ji, Hou
Han shu, Bei Qi shu, and local
gazetteers.Some information on construction
techniques. Survey map, 2 OK photographs.
- Gong Ruxu 巩如旭. 1984.
- ‘Qin Shihuang Wanli Changcheng shouqi chu yiji
qiusuo’ 秦始皇 万里长城首起处遗迹求索 (The remains of the
starting point of the First Emperor’s Great
Wall). Xibei shidi 西北史地 (Northwestern
history and geography) 1984.2.
Not seen. Cited by Ye Xiaoyan (1987: 49, fn.
- Gu Jiegang 顧頡剛. 1963.
- ‘Gansu Qin Changcheng’ 甘肅秦長城 (Remains of the
Qin Great Wall in Gansu). In Shilin zashi
史林雜識. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju 中華書局, repr. 1977,
pp. 77–78, map 9, pl. 2–6.
Brief note on field observations of remains of
the Qin wall in 1937. Map in separate envelope,
3 poor photographs of maps, 3 poor photographs
of wall remains. Photographs may be better
reproduced in 1963 orig. than in 1977 repr.

Gu Jiegang (1963, Map 9). |
- He Deliang 何德亮. 2003.
- ‘Qi Changcheng xianzhuang kaocha’ 齐长城现状考察
(Investigation of the present state of the Qi
Great Wall). Wenwu tiandi 文物天地
(‘Cultural relics world’) 2003.12: 24–25.
Description of wall remains of the
Chunqiu–Zhanguo period. No historical references
cited. Colour photographs.

He Deliang (2003). |
- He Yu 何钰. 1987.
- ‘Dingxi diqu Zhanguo Qin changcheng yiji
kaocha ji’ 定西地区战国秦长城遗迹考察记 (Survey of remains of
a Qin defence wall of the Zhanguo period in
Dingxi Region). Wenwu 文物 (‘Cultural
relics’) 1987.7: 50–59.
Field survey of a Qin defence wall in southern
Gansu. Some historical references. Maps, poor

He Yu (1987). |
- Hu Yang 胡杨. 2003.
- ‘Zhongguo Changcheng di yi guan: Jiayuguan
Changcheng Bowuguan’ 中国长城第一馆: 嘉峪关长城博物馆 (The
Great Wall Museum in Jiayuguan Municipality,
Gansu). Sichou zhi lu 丝绸之路 2003.6:
Description of the museum. Colour photographs,
none relevant for early periods.
- Hu Yang 胡杨, and Wang Jin 王金. 2003.
- ‘Hexi Changcheng’ 河西长城 (The Great Wall in the
Western Region). Sichou zhi lu 丝绸之路
2003.9: 29–33.
Excellent colour photographs of Han and Ming
ruins in Gansu. Not much text.

Hu Yang & Wang Jin (2003) |
- Ji Naijun 姬乃军. 1990.
- ‘Yan’an diqu Zhanguo Qin changcheng kaocha
jianbao’ 延安地区战国秦长城考察简报 (Survey of a Qin defence
wall of the Zhanguo period in Yan’an Region,
Shaanxi). Kaogu yu wenwu 考古与文物
(‘Archaeology and cultural relics’) 1990.6:
Field survey of a ca. 100 km section of a Qin
wall in northern Shaanxi. Some details of
construction techniques. Map, poor photographs.

Ji Naijun (1990). |
- Ji Naijun 姬乃军. 1996.
- ‘Shǎnxi Fu xian Qin “Shang jun sai” Changcheng
tacha’ 陕西富县秦 “上郡塞” 长城踏查 (On-site inspection of
the Great Wall at the Qin “Shang Commandery
Pass” in Fu County, Shaanxi). Kaogu 考古
(‘Archaeology’) 1996.3: 276–277, 274.
Field survey, with some details of wall
construction techniques. Map.

Ji Naijun (1996). |
- Ke Quan 可權. 1913.
- ‘Zhao changcheng yizhi’ 趙長城遺址 (Remains of the
defence wall of the state of Zhao). Dixue
zazhi 地學雜志 (Geography magazine) 4.8: 21.
Not seen. Cited in Zhongguo kaoguxue wenxian
mulu 1900–1949 (1991: 265).
- Li Dianfu 李殿福. 1982.
- ‘Dongbei jingnei Yan, Qin changcheng kao’
东北境内燕, 秦长城考 (The Yan and Qin defence walls in
Northeast China). Heilongjiang wenwu congkan
黑龙江文物丛刊 (Heilongjiang cultural relics
series) 1982.1: 59–62.
Not seen. Source: Kaogu 1982.5: 559.
- Li Hongxiong 李红雄. 1990.
- ‘Gansu Qingyang diqu jingnei changcheng
diaocha yu tansuo ’ 甘肃庆阳地区境内长城调查与探索 (Survey of
sections of the Great Wall in Qingyang Region,
Gansu). Kaogu yu wenwu 考古与文物
(‘Archaeology and cultural relics’) 1990.6:
Field survey of several sections of wall in
southern Gansu. Some details of construction
techniques. Maps, poor photographs, line
drawings of artefacts.
- Li Lin 李璘. 1999.
- ‘Dui Changcheng xi qi Lintao ji Gansu Minxian
de zai renshi’ 对长城西起临洮即甘肃岷县的再认识 (Further
considerations showing that Lintao, the Western
end of the Great Wall, is in modern Minxian,
Gansu.). Sichou zhi lu 丝绸之路 1999.2:
Reviews the question and the historical sources,
then argues for Minxian on the basis of
archaeological material. Poor photographs.
English abstract, see image.
- Li Shaobai 李少白. 2003.
- ‘Beijing baohu Changcheng xingdong – Jinzhi
pandeng de “ye Changcheng”’ 北京保护长城行动 – 禁止攀登的
“野长城” (Preservation of the Great Wall in
Beijing: The “unimproved Great Wall” on which
climbing is prohibited). Wenwu tiandi
文物天地 (‘Cultural relics world’) 2003.12: 12–19.
Very little text. Colour photographs of derelict
sections of the Ming wall.
- Li Wenlong 李文龙. 2001.
- ‘Baoding jingnei Zhanguo Zhongshan changcheng
diaocha ji’ 保定境内战国中山长城调查记 (Investigation of the
defence wall of the Zhanguo state of Zhongshan
in Baoding district, Hebei). Wenwu chunqiu
文物春秋 (Cultural relics annals) 2001.1: 44–52, 58.
Field survey, with some details of construction
techniques. 3 maps, 11 poor photographs, 1 line

Li Wenlong (2001: 52, fig. 5) |
- Li Yuchun 李遇春. 1980.
- ‘Shǎnxi Huayin, Dali Wei changcheng kancha ji
’ 陕西华阴, 大荔魏长城勘查记. Kaogu 考古
(‘Archaeology’) 1980.6: 481–487.
Field surveys and exploratory excavations of 6
sections of defence wall in southern Shaanxi.
References to Shi ji, Lü shi chun
qiu, Shui jing zhu, Yuan he
jun xian zhi, Tai ping huan yu ji,
Zhu shu ji nian, Yan tie lun. Maps,
line drawings.
- Liu Huacheng 刘化成, and Zhang Zhaoxiang 张兆祥.
- ‘Langfang shi Zhanguo Yan nan changcheng
diaocha baogao’ 廊坊市战国燕南长城调查报告 (Report on
investigation of the southern defence wall of
Yan of the Zhanguo period in Langfang
Municipality, Hebei). Wenwu chunqiu 文物春秋
(Cultural relics annals) 2001.2: 28–36.
Field survey and trial excavations of remains of
a Zhanguo wall. Study of historical sources on
same. Map, photographs, line drawings of

Liu Huacheng & Zhang
Zhaoxiang (2001). |
- Ma Jieying 马杰英. 1989.
- ‘Gansu Yongjing xian jingnei Qin Han
changcheng fengsui yizhi’ 甘肃永靖县境内秦汉长城烽燧遗址
(Defence wall and beacon-fire sites of the Qin
and Han periods in Yongjing County, Gansu). Wenbo
文博 (Relics and museology) 1989.6.
Not seen. Criticized by Xiang Ming & Shang
Wuzheng (1992).
- Ou Yan 瓯燕, and Ye Wansong 叶万松. 1997.
- ‘“Shangjun Sai” yu “Qian Luo” changcheng bian’
“上郡塞”与“堑洛”长城辨 (Critical discussion of the
supposed defence walls Shangjun Sai and
Qian luo). Kaogu yu wenwu 考古与文物
(‘Archaeology and cultural relics’) 1997.2:
Discussion of interpretation of sources on two
Zhanguo walls, citing especially the
interpretations of Shi Nianhai (1981; 1985). 1.
The Western wall of Wei. 2. A Qin wall near it.
Cites archaeological reports, but is mostly
concerned with traditional sources. Sources
include Zuo zhuan, Zhanguo ce, Shi
ji, Han shu, Shuo wen jie zi,
Gu jin zhu, Shui jing zhu, San
Qin ji. 2 maps.
- Peng Liping 彭立平. 1997.
- ‘Hebei Weichang jingnei de gu Changcheng he gu
chengzhi’ 河北围场境内的古长城和古城址 (Ancient defence-wall
sites and city-sites in Weichang County, Hebei).
Wenwu chunqiu 文物春秋 (Cultural relics
annals) 1997.2: 48–50, 55.
Field survey of two sections of Qin wall and
associated walled settlements. Map.
- Peng Xi 彭曦. 1992?
- Zhanguo Qin Changcheng kaocha yu yanjiu
战国秦长城考察与研究 (Investigations and research on
remains of the Great Wall of the Zhanguo and Qin
periods). Xibei Daxue Chubanshe 西北大学出版社.
Not seen. Short review by You Ping 幼平 in Wenbo
文博 1992.2: 42. Field surveys of remains of
the wall in Dingxi, Pingliang, and Qingyang
Regions, Gansu; Qingyuan Region, Ningxia; and
northern Shaanxi. Studies of historical sources.
Information on building materials and
- Peng Xi 彭曦. 1996.
- ‘Qin Jian gong “qian Luo” yiji kaocha jianbao’
秦简公 “堑洛” 遗迹考察简报 (Survey of remains of the qian
Luo wall of Duke Jian of Qin). Wenwu
文物 (‘Cultural relics’) 1996.4: 66–75.
Field surveys of wall remains in Pucheng and
Baishui Counties, Shaanxi. The expression qian
Luo (excavated the Luo River?) comes from
the Shi ji, and is interpreted by Shi
Nianhai and others as referring to these walls.
Maps, poor photographs.
- Qi Honghao 齐洪浩, and Yuan Jimin 袁继民. 1991.
- ‘Shǎnxi Chengcheng xian, Huanglong xian
jiaojie chu Zhanguo Wei changcheng’ 陕西澄城县,
黄龙县交界处战国魏长城 (Defence wall remains of the Zhanguo
state of Wei on the border between Chengcheng
and Huanglong Counties, Shaanxi). Kaogu
考古 (‘Archaeology’) 1991.3: 280, 279, pl. 8.
Field survey of several wall sections. Map, 3
good photographs.

Qi Honghao & Yuan Jimin
(1991). |
- Shi Nianhai 史念海. 1981.
- ‘Huanghe zhongyou Zhanguo ji Qin shi zhu
Changcheng yiji de tansuo’ 黄河中游战国及秦时诸长城遗迹的探索
(Investigation of remains of Zhanguo and Qin
defence walls in the middle reaches of the
Huanghe). In He shan ji: Er ji 河山集 二集.
Beijing: Sanlian Shudian 三连书店, Orig. Shǎnxi
Shida xuebao 陕西师大学报, 1978.2. Repr. in Zhongguo
Changcheng yiji diaocha baogao ji, pp.
52–67., pp. 435–470.
Field and historical survey of 5 wall sections:
1. Wei 魏 wall along the border between Shanxi
and Shaanxi. 2. The first Qin wall, parallel and
close to the Wei wall, mentioned in Shi ji
(15: 708) with the words qian Luo 塹洛
(excavated the Luo River?). 3. Qin wall in the
mid-Luo River valley, Shaanxi. 4. Qin wall,
NE–SW from Inner Mongolia, through southern
Shaanxi, into Gansu. 5. Western section of Qin
Shihuang’s Great Wall, N–S in Gansu and Ningxia.
Historical sources include Zhanguo ce, Shi
ji, Shui jing zhu, Han shu,
Yuanhe jun xian zhi, Taiping huanyu
ji, local gazetteers. Maps, poor

From Shi Nianhai (1981: 445). |
- Shi Nianhai 史念海. 1981.
- ‘E’erduosi Gaoyuan dongbu Zhanguo shiqi Qin
Changcheng yiji tansuo ji’ 鄂尔多斯高原东部战国时期秦长城遗迹探索记
(Report on investigation of remains of the
Zhanguo-period Qin Great Wall in the eastern
Ordos Plain.). In He shan ji: Er ji 河山集
二集. Beijing: Sanlian Shudian 三连书店, pp. 471–487.
Field and historical survey of the Qin wall in
northern Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia. Historical
sources include Shi ji, Han shu,
Hou Han shu, Shui jing zhu, Yuanhe
jun xian zhi. Map, poor photographs.

From Shi Nianhai (1981: 473). |
- Shi Nianhai 史念海. 1985.
- ‘Luohe you an Zhanguo shiqi Qin Changcheng
yiji de tansuo’ 洛河右岸战国时期秦长城遗迹的探索 (Investigation
of remains of the Qin Great Wall of the Warring
States period on the right bank of the Luo
River). Wenwu 文物 (‘Cultural relics’)
1985.11: 31–36.
Reprinted in Shi Nianhai 1988: 374–386.
Field survey of a 324-metre section of the Qin
wall near Houapocun 后阿坡村 in Pucheng County 蒲城县,
Shaanxi in Pucheng County, Shaanxi. Poor
photographs, worse in the reprint version. The
two editions have slightly different maps: the
reprint version seems better.

Map from Shi Nianhai (1988:
376). |
- Shi Nianhai 史念海. 1991.
- ‘Zailun Guanzhong dongbu Zhanguo shiqi Qin Wei
zhu changcheng’ 再论关中东部战国时期秦魏诸长城 (Once again on
the Zhanguo-period defence walls of Qin and Wei
in eastern Guanzhong). In He shan ji: Si ji
河山集 四集. Xi’an: Shǎnxi Shifan Daxue Chubanshe
陕西师范大学出版社, Orig. Zhongguo lishi dili luncong
中国历史地理论丛, 3, 1988., pp. 601–641.
Reply to criticism of Shi Nianhai, ‘Huanghe
zhongyou . . .’ (1981). Cites many historical
sources and some field observation, including
some details on construction techniques. Map,
line drawings.

Shi Nianhai (1991: 605). |
- Sun Yimin 孙益民, and Wang Kai 王楷. 1982.
- ‘Wanli Changcheng xibu qishou yu jin Lintao
bian’ 万里长城西部起首于今临洮辨 (Is the western end of the
Great Wall in modern Lintao, Gansu?). Lanzhou
xuekan 兰州学刊 (Lanzhou journal) 1982.1.
Not seen. Cited by Ye Xiaoyan (1987: 49, fn.
- Tang Xiaofeng 唐晓峰. 1977.
- ‘Neimenggu xibei bu Qin Han Changcheng diaocha
ji’ 内蒙古西北部秦汉长城调查记 (Investigation of the Great
Wall of the Qin and Han periods in northwestern
Inner Mongolia). Wenwu 文物 (‘Cultural
relics’) 1977.5: 16–24.
Field survey and trial excavations. Some details
of construction techniques. Two maps, line
drawings, 13 poor photographs.

Tang Xiaofeng (1977). |
- Tian Tong 田瞳. 1999.
- ‘Han Changcheng yu Ming Changcheng’ 汉长城与明长城
(The Han Great Wall and the Ming Great Wall). Sichou
zhi lu 丝绸之路 (‘The Silk Road’) 1999.5: 44.
Short note on defence wall sites in Hexi 河西 (the
region West of the Yellow River).
- Tong Zhuchen 佟柱臣. 1946.
- ‘Chifeng fujin faxian zhi Han qian tucheng zhi
yu gu Changcheng’ 赤峰附近發現之漢前土城址與古長城 (Remains of a
pre-Han earthen wall discovered near Chifeng,
Liaoning, and the ancient Great Wall). Lishi
yu kaogu (Shenyang) 歷史與考古(沈陽) (History and
archaeology, publ. in Shenyang, Liaoning) 1:
Not seen. Cited in Zhongguo kaoguxue wenxian
mulu 1900–1949 (1991: 142). 10
- Wang Dafang 王大方. 2000.
- ‘Neimenggu Yinshan Xiaoyutai Qin Changcheng’
内蒙古阴山小 余泰秦长城 (The Qin Great Wall in Xiaoyutai,
Yinshan, Inner Mongolia). Wenwu tiandi
文物天地 (‘Cultural relics world’) 2000.1: 24–26.
Brief note on a field survey, with some
historical notes. Two poor photographs.

Wang Dafang (2000). |
- Wang Li 王莉, and Li Shaobai 李少白. 2003.
- ‘Sheyingshi de Changcheng’ 摄影师的长城 (A
photographer’s Great Wall). Wenwu tiandi
文物天地 (‘Cultural relics world’) 2003.12: 20–21.
Very little text. Two colour photographs, one of
the Ming wall, one of a wall which could be

Wang Li & Li Shaobai (2003). |
- Wang Xing 王兴, Ma Xiaoqing 马小青, and Li Liucun
李六存. 2003.
- ‘Tadong Zhao guo qian li Bei Changcheng’
踏动赵国千里北长城 (A walk on the thousand-li
Northern Great Wall of the state of Zhao). Wenwu
tiandi 文物天地 (‘Cultural relics world’)
2003.12: 22–23.
Description of a Zhanguo wall in Hebei, Shanxi,
and Inner Mongolia. No historical sources cited.
Two colour photographs.

Wang Xing, Ma Liuqing, & Li
Liucun (2003). |
- Wang Yanfen 王彦芬. 1983.
- ‘Chu fang cheng kao’ 楚方城考 (The Chu defence
walls). In Chu wenhua yanjiu lunji
楚文化研究论集. Zhongzhou Shuhua She 中州书画社.
Not seen. Cited by Xiao Huakun & Ai Tinghe
(2003: 72, fn. 9).
- Wang Zhongjiu 王重九. 1987.
- ‘Guanzhong dongbu Qin Wei zhu Changcheng yiji
de zai tansuo’ 关中东部秦魏诸长城遗迹的再探索 (Further studies
of the remains of the Great Wall of the Qin and
Wei periods in the eastern Guanzhong region). Lishi
dili 历史地理 (Historical geography) 5:
Amplifications and corrections to Shi Nianhai
(1982). Historical study, some field
- Wu Yuanzhen 吴元贞. 1986.
- ‘Yanhekou Changcheng’ 沿河口长城 (The Great Wall at
Yanhekou). Wenwu tiandi 文物天地 (‘Cultural
relics world’) 1986.3: 29.
Brief note on a section of the Ming wall in
Beijing Municipality. One poor photograph.
- Xia Zhenying 夏振英, and Hu Lingui 呼林贵. 1985.
- ‘Shǎnxi Huayin jingnei Qin Wei changcheng kao’
陕西华阴境内秦魏长城考 (The defence walls of Qin and Wei in
Huayin County, Shaanxi). Wenbo 文博
(Relics and museology) 1985.3.
Not seen. Cited by Ye Xiaoyan (1987: 49, fn.
- Xian Ming 鲜明, and Shang Wuzheng 尚无正. 1992.
- ‘Gansu Yongjing xian jingnei Qin changcheng
zhiyi’ 甘肃永靖县境内秦长城质疑 (Doubts concerning a
supposed Qin defence wall in Yongjing County,
Gansu). Wenbo 文博 (Relics and museology)
1992.3: 87–88, 96.
Criticizes Ma Shuying (1989). Argues that the
wall in question dates from the Ming rather than
the Qin or Han period. No illustrations.
- Xiang Chunsheng 项春松. 1981.
- ‘Zhaowuda meng Yan Qin Han Changcheng yizhi
diaocha baogao’ 昭乌达盟燕秦汉长城遗址调查报告 (Investigation
of remains of the Yan–Qin Great Wall in Zhaowuda
League, Inner Mongolia). In Zhongguo
Changcheng yiji diaocha baogao ji
中国长城遗迹调查报告集. Beijing: Wenwu Chubanshe 文物出版社, pp.
Field surveys and trial excavations. Details of
construction techniques. Virtually unreadable
map, very poor photographs of features and
artefacts, line drawings.

Xiang Chunsong (1981: 9, fig.
3). |
- Xiang Chunsheng 项春松. 1985.
- ‘Zhaowuda Meng Handai Changcheng yizhi diaocha
baogao ’ 昭乌达盟汉代长城遗址调查报告 (Investigation of
remains of the Han-period defence wall in
Zhaowuda League, Inner Mongolia.). Wenwu
文物 (‘Cultural relics’) 1985.4: 69–79.
Detailed field observation and trial
excavations. Details of construction techniques.
4 maps, 20 poor photographs.
- Yao Shuangnian 姚双年. 1993.
- ‘Shǎnxi Heyang xin faxian Zhanguo shiqi Qin
changcheng’ 陕西合阳新发现战国时期秦长城 (Newly discovered
remains of a Qin defence wall of the Zhanguo
period in Heyang County, Shaanxi). Kaogu yu
wenwu 考古与文物 (‘Archaeology and cultural
relics’) 1993.3: 52–56.
Field survey of a section of wall in southern
Shaanxi. A few remarks on construction
techniques. Map, poor photoraphs.

Yao Shuangnian (1993). |
- Yue Shengyang 岳升阳. 2006.
- ‘Bei Qi changcheng diaocha xiaoji’ 北齐长城调查小记
(Survey of the Northern Qi [A.D. 550–577]
defence wall). Beijing wenbo 北京文博
(‘Beijing cultural relics and museums’) 2006.1:
Historical introduction + survey of wall remains
in Changping 昌平 District, Beijing. Map,
photographs, line drawings.

Yue Shengyang (2006: 62). |
- Zeng Zhaoming 曾朝铭. 1987.
- ‘Beijing diqu Changcheng hangkong yaogan
diaocha’ 北京地区长城航空遥感调查 (Investigation of the
Great Wall in Beijing by aerial remote sensing).
Wenwu 文物 (‘Cultural relics’) 1987.7:
Investigation of Ming remains of Great Wall near
Beijing by aerial photography. Small map, poor
- Zhang Limin 张立敏. 2001.
- ‘Qinhuangdao shi jingnei de gu changcheng’
秦皇岛市境内的古长城 (Ancient defence walls in Qinhuangdao
Municipality, Hebei). Wenwu chunqiu 文物春秋
(Cultural relics annals) 2001.3: 49–51.
Field survey of two sections of defence wall,
believed to be from the 5th century AD. 2 maps.
- Zhang Wei 张维.
- Lanzhou gujin zhu 兰州古今注 (Notes on
Not seen. Cited by Xian Ming & Shang Wuzheng
(1992: 88, 96, fn. 5) for the statement that the
Qin Great Wall did not go through Lanzhou.
- Zhang Weihua 張維華. 1937.
- ‘Qi changcheng kao’ 齊長城考 (On the defence walls
of the state of Qi). Yugong banyuekan
禹貢半月刊 (Tribute of Yu semimonthly [journal of
historical geography]) 7.1–3: 121–148.
Orig. Da gong bao shidi zhoukan 大公報史地周刊
49 (1935.8.23).
Not seen. Cited in Zhongguo kaoguxue wenxian
mulu 1900–1949 (1991: 265).
- Zhang Weihua 張維華. 1937.
- ‘Zhao changcheng kao’ 趙長城考 (On the defence
wall of the state of Zhao). Yugong banyuekan
禹貢半月刊 (Tribute of Yu semimonthly [journal of
historical geography]) 7.8–9: 41–60.
Not seen. Cited in Zhongguo kaoguxue wenxian
mulu 1900–1949 (1991: 265).
- Zhang Xiaoheng 张筱衡. 1958.
- ‘Liang Hui Wang Hexi changcheng kao’ 梁辉王河西长城考
(The defence wall of King Hui of Liang in Hexi).
Renwen zazhi 人文杂志 (Humanities journal)
Not seen. Cited by Ye Xiaoyan (1987: 48, fn.
- Zhang Zhan 张展. 2006.
- ‘Beijing diqu Changcheng gaishu’ 北京地区长城概述 (The
Great Wall in the vicinity of Beijing). Beijing
wenbo 北京文博 (‘Beijing cultural relics and
museums’) 2006.4: 72–79.
Historical introduction and description of ruins
of defence walls of the Zhanguo, Northern Qi,
and Ming periods. Three poor photographs.
- Zheng Shaozong 郑绍宗. 1981.
- ‘Hebei sheng Zhanguo, Qin, Han shiqi gu
changcheng he chengzhang yizhi’
河北省战国、秦、汉时期古长城和城障遗址 (Remains of ancient defence
walls of the Zhanguo, Qin, and Han periods in
Hebei province). In Zhongguo Changcheng yiji
diaocha baogao ji 中国长城遗迹调查报告集. Beijing:
Wenwu Chubanshe 文物出版社, pp. 34–39.
Historical study with brief notes on field
observations. Two maps, 10 poor photographs of
features, 2 poor photographs of artefacts.
- Zheng Yunshan 郑云山. 1999.
- ‘Miyun Changcheng “si lu”: Yingcheng,
Chengbao, Guankou, Chenglou’ 密云长城 “四路”: 营城, 城堡,
关口, 城楼 (The “four routes” of the Great Wall in
Miyun County, Beijing). Beijing wenbo
北京文博 (Beijing cultural relics and museums)
1999.1: 78–83.
Describes ruins of Ming walls in Miyun County,
Beijing Municipality. Map, poor photographs.
- Zhou Liang 周良. 2004.
- ‘Tongzhou Yaochangcun Bei Qi changcheng yizhi’
通州窑厂村北齐长城遗址 (Remains of a Northern Qi defence
wall at Yaochangcun in Tongzhou, Beijing
Municipality). Beijing wenbo 北京文博
(‘Beijing cultural relics and museums) 2004.3:
Mainly concerns the find of a Tang tomb with
inscription, dated AD 798, which mentions a
nearby wall and indicates that it is from the
Northern Qi period (AD 550–577). References to
historical sources, including Bei Qi shu
and local gazetteers. Survey map, one poor

From Zhou Liang (2004). |
Additional references
- - - -. 1980.
- Zhongguo Kaogu Xuehui di yi ci nianhui
lunwenji 1979 中国考古学会第一次年会论文集 1979
(Proceedings of the First Annual Congress of the
Chinese Archaeological Society, 1979). Beijing:
Wenwu Chubanshe 文物出版社.
- - - -. 1984.
- Xin Zhongguo de kaogu faxian he yanjiu
新中国的考古发现和研究 (‘Archaeological excavation and
researches in New China’). (Kaoguxue zhuankan,
A.17 考古学专刊, 甲种第十七号). Beijing: Wenwu Chubanshe
A cheaper edition was also published, lacking
the 216 plates.
Survey of archaeological work in China, 1949 –
ca. 1982. Sections on particular subjects are
listed separately in the present bibliography.
- - - -. 1991.
- Zhongguo kaoguxue wenxian mulu 1900–1949
中国考古学文献目录 1900–1949 (Bibliography of Chinese
archaeology, 1900–1949). Beijing: Wenwu
Chubanshe 文物出版社.
- - - -. 1998.
- Zhongguo wenwu dituji: Shǎnxi fence
中国文物地图集 陕西分册 (Atlas of Chinese cultural relics:
Shaanxi). 2 vols. Xi’an: Xi’an Ditu Chubanshe
Survey of all aspects of Shaanxi archaeology.
Important for Qin archaeology.
- - - -. [1999?].
- Hebei sheng Changcheng zhi 河北省长城志
(General description of the Great Wall in Hebei
Not seen, possibly not yet published. Source: Wenwu
chunqiu, 2001.2: 28.
- Falkenhausen, Lothar von, ed. 2002.
- Japanese scholarship on early China,
1987–1991: Summaries from Shigaku zasshi.
Berkeley: Society for the Study of Early China
and Institute of East Asian Studies.
Includes a certain amount of material on Qin
- Gu Jiegang 顧頡剛. 1963.
- Shilin zashi 史林雜識 (Notes from the
Forest of History). Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju
Maps in separate envelope. Repr. 1977.
Several articles relevant to aspects of Qin.
Poor photographs – possibly better in 1963 orig.
than in 1977 repr.
- Shi Nianhai 史念海. 1963.
- He shan ji 河山集 (Rivers and mountains).
Beijing: Sanlian Shudian 三连书店.
Collection of articles on historical geography.
- Shi Nianhai 史念海. 1981.
- He shan ji: Er ji 河山集 二集 (Rivers and
mountains, collection 2). Beijing: Sanlian
Shudian 三连书店.
Collection of articles on historical geography
- Shi Nianhai 史念海. 1988.
- He shan ji: Di san ji 河山集: 第三集 (Rivers
and mountains, collection 3). Beijing: Renmin
Chubanshe 人民出版社.
Collection of articles on historical geography.
- Shi Nianhai 史念海. 1991.
- He shan ji: Si ji 河山集 四集 (Rivers and
mountains, collection 4). Xi’an: Shǎnxi Shifan
Daxue Chubanshe 陕西师范大学出版社.
Collection of articles on historical geography.
- Shi Nianhai 史念海. 1999.
- He shan ji: Qi ji 河山集 七集 (Rivers and
mountains, collection 7). Xi’an: Shǎnxi Shifan
Daxue Chubanshe 陕西师范大学出版社.
Collection of articles on historical geography.
Not seen.