The Royal University Library

Oslo, Norway

Catalogue of older Chinese Books

Donald B. Wagner

16 May 1992

© Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo, 1992.

Start page || Catalogue

Shelf list

93 ba 01894
8 threadbound vols., 17 x 26.7 cm, in wooden boards.
t.p.: 苗防備覽
at end of preface: 淑浦嚴如謹識 ︱ 嘉慶二十五年歲次庚辰孟秋月上浣榖旦
[date is 1820]
at head of text: 淑浦嚴如炳文氏撰

93 ha 01893
8 threadbound vols., 15.3 x 24.7 cm, in wooden boards.
t.p.: 重刊宋本孟子注疏附校勘記 ︱ 嘉慶二十年江西南昌府學開彫 ︱ 光緒十八年湖南寶慶務本書局重鐫
[dates are 1815, 1892]
at head of text: 孟子注疏解經 ︱ 孫奭疏

Hs 56
1 threadbound vol., 15.6 x 25.5 cm, in cardboard boards.
English t.p.: The Chinese speaker, or Extracts from works written in the Mandarin language, as spoken at Peking. Compiled for the use of students, by Robert Thom, Esq., H. M. Consul at Ningpo. Part I. Ningpo: Presbyterian Mission Press, 1846.
Chinese t.p.: 道光丙午年鐫 ︱ 正音撮要 ︱ 上卷 ︱ 大清靜亭高氏纂輯 ︱ 大英羅伯聃譯述 ︱ 寧波華花聖經書房藏珍
further parts lacking.

Hs 272, 2
see Hs 4681.

Hs 380 ekspl. 2
t.p.: 光緒四年 ︱ 康熙字典撮要 ︱ 廣東倫敦教會藏版
[date is 1878]
4 threadbound vols. in wooden boards.

Vols. 1-3:
19.5 x 29 cm
written on cover of vol. 1: A resumé of the Kanghi Dictionary (in three volumes) by the Rev. J. Chalmers. Hongkong 1878.

Vol. 4:
t.p.: 康熙字典撮要總音表
18.3 x 28.7 cm
written on cover: A general list of sounds (A supplement to "Chalmers' concise Chinese dictionary".)

Hs 407
t.p.: 同治壬申重訂 ︱ 華英通語 ︱ 西營盤 ︱ 恆茂藏板
[date is 1872]
178 double pages in 2 threadbound vols.
Preface, dated 咸豐庚申 [1860], gives author's name as □子芳.

Hs 1406
1 threadbound vol., 10.1 x 17.4 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 救主降生一千九百十四年 ︱ 五旬節聖詩 ︱ 中華民國三年歲次甲寅 ︱ 上海美華書館擺印
postface: Pentacostal hymns. Ernest R. Bass, Yunnanfu.
written on cover: P. Amundsen.

Hs 1432
t.p.: 行文寶笈
reverse of t.p.: 光緒癸巳季春 ︱ 上海蜚英館印
[this date is 1893]
7.6 x 12.8 cm
Contains four works printed in parallel across each page:
四書纂註 ︱ 婁東容燕軒主人編緝

Hs 1444 tao 1/2
printed on box label: 世德堂刊本︱六子全書︱函上
9 threadbound vols. in 1 box
13.6 x 20.0 cm
[ZGCS 1:691: 嘉靖十二年吳郡顧氏世德堂本]

Contains the following works:

t.p.: 世德堂刊本︱老子
reverse of t.p., in seal script: 民國甲寅中夏右文社景石
in text: 河上公章句
[date is 1914]
1 threadbound vol.

t.p.: 世德堂刊本 ︱ 莊子
reverse of t.p., in seal script: 民國甲寅中夏右文社景石
in text: 南華真經 ︱ 郭象子玄註 ︱ 陸德明音義
[date is 1914]
6 threadbound vols.

t.p.: 世德堂刊本 ︱ 文中子
reverse of t.p., in seal script: 民國甲寅中夏右文社景石
in text: 中說 ︱ 阮逸註
[date is 1914]
2 threadbound vols.
at end of 2nd vol.: 刻六子書跋 ︱ 嘉靖 … 癸巳 … 秋八月 東滄居士吳郡顧春識
[this date is 1533]

Hs 1444 tao 2/2
printed on box label: 世德堂刊本︱六子全書︱函下
8 vols. in 1 box
13.6 x 20.0 cm
[ZGCS 1:691: 嘉靖十二年吳郡顧氏世德堂本]
written on box: Mo tzu mgl.

Contains the following works:

t.p.: 世德堂刊本 ︱ 列子
reverse of t.p., in seal script: 民國甲寅中夏右文社景石
in text: 沖虛至德真經 ︱ 列子 ︱ 張湛處度註
[date is 1914]
2 vols.

t.p.: 世德堂刊本 ︱ 荀子
reverse of t.p., in seal script: 民國甲寅中夏右文社景石
in text: 唐大理評事楊倞註
[date is 1914]
6 threadbound vols.

Hs 1488 tao 1/2
written in a European hand on the box label: Wu-ching 五經 [de fem klassiker] chih I: pen 1-9. a) I-ching b) Shu-ching c) Shih-ching.
The vols. are numbered in pencil pen 1-9. There are also various other notes in ink in Norwegian on the covers. The title pages give some early dates, but this looks like a more recent offset reprint.
pen 1-3:
t.p.: 校訂點畫無訛 ︱ 易經讀本 ︱ 翰寶齋藏板
in text: 監本易經全文

pen 4-5:
t.p.: 嘉慶拾四年新鐫 ︱ 銅板書經文 ︱ 翰寶齋藏板
in text: 監本書經
[date is 1809]

pen 6-9:
t.p.: 道光廿二年鐫 ︱ 校訂點畫無訛 ︱ 詩經讀本 ︱ 富文堂藏板
in text: 監本詩經全文
[date is 1842]

Hs 1488 tao 2/2
written in a European hand on the box label: Wu-ching五經 [de fem klassiker] chih II: a) Li chi b) Ch'un-ch'iu.
The vols. are numbered in pencil pen 10-16. There are also various other notes in ink in Norwegian on the covers. The title pages give some very early dates, but this seems to be a more recent offset reprint.

pen 10-14
t.p.: 道光廿二年鐫 ︱ 校訂點畫無訛 ︱ 禮記讀本 ︱ 富文堂藏板
in text: 監本禮記

pen 15-16
t.p.: 嘉慶七年新鐫 ︱ 銅板春秋正文 ︱ □□□藏板
in text: 監本春秋全文
[date is 1802]

Hs 1490 pen 1-6
printed on box: 五經 ︱ 易經 ︱ 詩經
6 threadbound vols., 15.9 x 26.7 cm.
written on vols.: pen 1-6
contains the following:

pen 1-2
t.p.: 同治甲子年新鐫 ︱ 遵依洪武正韻 ︱ 雙門底 ︱ 緯文堂臧板 ︱ 芥子園重訂監本易經
[date is 1864]
in text: 周易 ︱ 朱熹本義

pen 3-6
t.p.: 同治甲子年新鐫 ︱ 遵依洪武正韻 ︱ 雙門底 ︱ 緯文堂臧板 ︱ 芥子園重訂監本詩經
[date is 1864]
in text: 詩 ︱ 朱熹集傳

Hs 1490 pen 7-15
printed on box: 五經 ︱ 書經 ︱ 春秋
9 vols.
15.9 x 26.7 cm.
written on vols.: pen 7-15
contains the following:

pen 7-10
t.p.: 同治甲子年新鐫 ︱ 遵依洪武正韻 ︱ 雙門底 ︱ 緯文堂臧板 ︱ 芥子園重訂監本書經
[date is 1864]
note after preface: 浙江李氏訂本 ︱ □□□□□梓
in text: 書 ︱ 蔡沈集傳

pen 11-15
t.p.: 同治壬申年新鐫 ︱ 遵依洪武正韻 ︱ 青雲樓重訂監本春秋
[date is 1872]
in text: 胡安國傳 ︱ 附林堯叟音註括例始末
note at end: 金陵芥子園李氏訂梓
printed coloured map pasted in: 春秋地圖 ︱ 遠方湛約翰繪
[Chalmers, John, 1825-99; Hummel p. 837.]

Hs 1490 pen 16-25
printed on box: 五經 ︱ 禮記
10 vols.
15.9 x 26.7 cm.
written on vols.: pen 16-25
contains the following:

pen 16-25
t.p.: 同治壬申年新鐫 ︱ 遵依洪武正韻 ︱ 青雲樓重訂監本禮記
[date is 1872]
note after preface: 浙江李氏訂本 ︱ 金陵芥子園梓
in text: 陳澔集說

Hs 1630
4 threadbound vols. in a box

vols. 1-2
t.p.: 同治癸亥年春鐫 ︱ 蕭漢沖先生養蒙故事 ︱ 龍眠古度先生增定 ︱ 新增龍文鞭影 ︱ 訓蒙四字經 ︱ 神山同文會梓行
[date is 1863]
in text: 訓蒙四字經讀本 ︱ □□□書樓校刊
in text: 龍文鞭影 ︱ 明中楚蕭良有漢沖著 ︱ 龍眠後學 ︱ 楊臣諍古度增訂
[Morohashi 3: 19.1: (明)蕭良有; 9: 931.3: 號漢沖]

vols. 3-4:
t.p.: 同治二年新鐫 ︱ 龍文鞭影二集 ︱ 訓蒙四字經 ︱ 同文會藏板
[date is 1863]
in text: 訓蒙四字經二集讀本 ︱ □□□樓校刊
in text: 龍文鞭影二集 ︱ □□□樓校刊 ︱ 番禺 ︱ 李暉吉子良 ︱ 徐灒蘭畦 ︱ 輯

{The first characters of the text of vol. 1 are:

written in a European hand on first cover: Aleni, Jules, jesuit-missionær i Kina, kines. navn 艾儒略 = "Gae Joo-leo"
[Hummel, p. 199: Aleni Jules, 艾儒略, 1582-1649. This name does not seem to appear in the book.]

Hs 1635 ekspl. 1
t.p.: 暗室燈註解 ︱ 下卷
1 vol. in brown paper wrapping.
[SOAS catalogue: "A lamp in a dark room": a collection of popular Taoist tracts of exhortation and warning.]

Hs 1635 ekspl. 2
Same work, slightly different cover.

Hs 1639 [1817-1822]
4 threadbound vols., 15.7 x 27.3 cm, without case or packing.
No Chinese title or bibliographical data.
vol. 1 printed label: The Pentateuch in Chinese; printed at Serampore, with metallic, moveable characters. 1817.
vol. 2 printed label: The Hagiographa in Chinese; printed at Serampore, with metallic, moveable characters. 1818.
vol. 3 printed label: The Prophetic Books in Chinese; printed at Serampore, with metallic, moveable characters. 1819.
vol. 4 printed label: The New Testament in Chinese; printed at Serampore, with metallic, moveable characters, 1815-22.
written in pencil on vol. 1: Av ingeniør B. Geelmuydens [?] gave.

Hs 1639,5 [n.d.]
21 threadbound vols., 12.0 x 17.2 cm, in 5 cases.
On boxes: Chinese Bible.
On vol. covers: Holy Bible in Chinese: by Morrison and Milne; from the London Missionary Society. Issued from the Anglo-Chinese College
t.p.: 神天聖書 ︱ 載舊遺詔書 ︱ 兼新遺詔書 ︱

vol. 1 創世歷代傳 = Genesis; vol. 2 出以至比多地傳 = Exodus; vol. 3 利未氏古傳書 = Leviticus; vol. 4 算民數書傳 = Numbers; vol. 5 復講法律傳 = Deuteronomy; vol. 6 若書亞傳 = Joshua; 審司書傳 = Judges; vol. 7 路得氏傳 = Ruth; 撒母以勒 上下 = Samuel; vol. 8 列王傳 上下 = Kings; vol. 9 歷代史紀 上 = I. Chronicles; vol. 10 歷代史紀 下 = II. Chronicles; vol. 11 以士拉傳 = Ezra; 尼希米亞傳; 以士得耳傳; 若百書傳 = Job; vol. 12 神詩書傳 = Psalms; vol. 13 諺語書傳 = Proverbs; 宣道書傳 = Canticles; 所羅門之歌; vol. 14 以賽亞書傳 = Isaiah; vol. 15 耶利米亞傳 = Jeremiah; 耶利米亞悲歎傳 = Lamentations; vol. 16 偯西其理書傳 = Ezekiel; vol. 17 但衣理書傳、十二先知書傳 = Daniel, Malachi; vol. 18 馬竇書 = Matthew; 馬耳可書 = Mark; vol. 19 路加書 = Luke; 若翰書 = John; vol. 20 使徒行書、 與羅馬輩 書、 可林多輩第一書、 可林多輩第二書 = Acts; II Corinthians; vol. 21 厄拉氐亞書、 … 、若翰現示書 = Galatians; Revelations.

Hs 1640 [1866-1868]
4 threadbound vols., 13.7 x 20.1 cm, in a case.
on case: 舊新約全書
vol. 1 t.p.: 首八卷 ︱ 舊約全書 ︱ 同治五年鐫 ︱ 香港英華書院活板
vol. 2 t.p.: 首十一卷 ︱ 舊約全書 ︱ 同治六年鐫 ︱ 香港英華書院活板
vol. 3 t.p.: 三冊二十卷 ︱ 舊約全書 ︱ 同治六年鐫 ︱ 香港英華書院活板
vol. 4 t.p.: 耶穌降世壹千八百六十八年 ︱ 新約全書 ︱ 香港英華書院活板

Hs 1644
t.p.: 咸豐十壹年鐫 ︱ 卷三 ︱ 舊約全書 ︱ 香港英華書院印刷
[date is 1861]
147 double pp. in 1 threadbound vol., 13.2 x 19.9 cm
[This is the last vol. Vols. 1-2 are lacking.]

Hs 1645 [1852]
1 threadbound vol., 9.9 x 13.6 cm, without case or packing.
t.p.: 咸豐壬子孟秋 ︱ 新約全書 ︱

Hs 1645 [1854]
t.p.: 咸豐肆年鐫 ︱ 新約全書 ︱ 香港英華書院活板
[date is 1854]
1 threadbound vol., 13.4 x 20.6 cm

Hs 1645 [1856]
1 vol., originally threadbound, 14.0 x 20.8 cm, now in Western binding.
t.p.: 耶穌降世一千八百五十六年 ︱ 新約全書 ︱ 江蘇松江上海墨海書館印
on spine: Novum Testamentum Sinense.

Hs 1645 [1867]
t.p.: 耶穌壹千八百六十七年 ︱ 新約全書 ︱同治六年鐫 ︱ 香港英華書院活板
[date is 1867]
27 juan in 1 threadbound vol., 13.7 x 20 cm.

Hs 1645 [1875]
1 threadbound vol., 10.3 x 15.9 cm, without case or packing.
t.p.: 耶穌降世一千八百七十五年 ︱ 新約全書 ︱ 歲次乙亥 ︱ 上海美華書館印

Hs 1645 [1880]
1 threadbound vol., 10.2 x 17.4 cm, without case or packing.
t.p.: 耶穌降世一千八百八十年 ︱ 新約全書 ︱ 上海申報館代印

Hs 1645 [1899]
1 threadbound vol., 13.4 x 20.7 cm, without case or packing.
t.p.: 耶穌降世一千八百九十九年 ︱ 羊城土話 ︱ 約翰福音傳 ︱ 大清光緒二十五年巳亥 ︱ 大英 ︱ 聖書公會印發
at page folds: 新約全書

Hs 1645 [1899]
t.p.: 耶穌降世一千八百九十九年 ︱ 使徒行傳 ︱ 光緒二十五年歲次已亥 ︱ 聖書公會印發
in text: 新約聖書
130 pp. in 1 threadbound vol., 14.5 x 22.6 cm

Hs 1645 [1903]
1 threadbound vol., 13.1 x 19.6 cm, without case or packing.
t.p.: 救主耶穌降世一千九百零三年 ︱ 約翰福音 ︱ 大清光緒二十九年歲次癸卯 ︱ 聖書公會印發
at page folds: 新約聖書

Hs 1645 [1908]
t.p.: 教主耶穌降世一千九百零八年 ︱ 新約全書 ︱大清光緒三十四年歲次戊申 ︱ 聖書公會印發 ︱ British and Foreign Bible Society, 1908. Mandarin New Testament.
2+600 pp. in 1 threadbound vol., 13.1 x 19.6 cm.

Hs 1645 [1909]
t.p.: 教主耶穌降世後一千九百零九年 ︱ 官話和合 ︱ 新約全書 ︱ 大清宣統元年歲次已酉 ︱ 大美國聖經會 ︱ Mandarin N.T. (Union version). American Bible Society. 1909. (third ed. -上帝. 聖靈)
1+1+594 pp. in 1 threadbound vol.

Hs 1645 [1913]
t.p.: 官話和合 ︱ 新約全書 ︱ 聖書公會印發 ︱ Mandarin N.T. (Union version). British and Foreign Bible Society, Shanghai, 1913
2+2+592 pp. in 1 threadbound vol., 13.2 x 19.8 cm.

Hs 1645 [1914]
t.p.: 文理 ︱ 新約全書 ︱聖書公會 ︱ British & Foreign Bible Society. Wen-li N.T. (Delegates' version). 1914.
1+2+400 pp. in 1 threadbound vol., 13.3 x 19.8 cm.

Hs 1645 [1921]
t.p.: 官話和合譯本 ︱ 新約全書 ︱上海 ︱ 大美國聖經會印發 ︱ ㄍㄨㄢ ㄏㄨㄚ ㄏㄜ ㄏㄜ ㄧ ㄅㄣ ︱ ㄒㄧㄣ ㄩㄝ ㄑㄩㄢ ㄕㄨ ︱ ㄕㄤ ㄏㄞ ︱ ㄉㄚ ㄇㄟ ㄍㄨㄛ ㄕㄥ ㄐㄧㄥ ㄏㄨㄟ ㄧㄣ ㄈㄚ
= Mandarin New Testament (Union version). National Phonetic Script. American Bible Society, Shanghai, 1921.
1 threadbound vol., 12.8 x 19.0 cm.

Hs 1645 [n.d.]
1 threadbound vol., 9.8 x 13.6 cm, without case or packing.
t.p. missing.
at page folds: 新約全書
[n.p., n.d.]
[contains juan 6-22.]

Hs 1645 [n.d.]
8 threadbound vols., 12.4 x 17.7 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 耶穌基利士督我主救者新遺詔書 ︱ 俱依本言譯出
[N.p., n.d.]

Another copy, lacking vol. 1.

Another copy, lacking vols. 1 and 8. Vol. 2 slightly charred.

Hs 1645 [n.d.]
1 threadbound vol., 14.5 x 20.7 cm, without case or packing. First and last pages in bad condition.
t.p. missing.
at page folds: 新約全書
[no further information available.]

Hs 1645 [n.d.]
耶穌基利士督我主救者新遺詔書 ︱ 俱依本言譯出
8 threadbound vols., 12.3 x 17.7 cm, in a case.
[n.p., n.d.]

vol. 1 馬竇書; vol. 2 馬耳可書; vol. 3 路加書; vol. 4
若翰書; vol. 5 使徒行書; vol. 6 與羅馬輩書、 可林多輩第一、 二書; vol. 7 厄拉氐亞書、 …、 腓利們書; vol. 8 希比留書、 …、 若翰現示書

Hs 1646 [1869]
1 threadbound vol., 13.5 x 20.0 cm, without case or packing.
t.p.: 同治八年鐫 ︱ 新約全書 ︱ 香港英華書院活板

Hs 1650 [1905]
1 threadbound vol., 12.9 x 19.7 cm, without case or packing.
t.p.: 救主耶穌降世一千九百零五年 ︱ 約翰福音 ︱ 大清光緒三十一年歲次己已 ︱ 聖書公會印發 ︱ W轳-li John | B. & F. B. S., 1905.
at page folds: 新約聖書

Hs 1650 [1908]
1 threadbound vol., 12.6 x 18.9 cm, without case or packing.
t.p.: 救主耶穌降世一千九百零八年 ︱ 文理和合 ︱ 馬太福音 ︱ 大清光緒三十四年歲次戊申 ︱ 聖書公會印發 ︱ W轳-li (Union version) Matthew | British & Foreign Bible Society, 1908.
at page folds: 新約聖書

Hs 1650 [1909]
1 threadbound vol., 8.8 x 13.3 cm, without case or packing.
t.p.: 救主耶穌降世一千九百零九年 ︱ 馬可福音 ︱ 大清宣統元年歲次己酉 ︱ 聖書公會印發 ︱ British and Foreign Bible Society, 1909. | Mandarin Mark.
at page folds: 新約聖書

Hs 1650 [1910]
1 threadbound vol., 12.3 x 18.5 cm, without case or packing.
t.p.: 救主耶穌降世一千九百十年 ︱ 文理和合 ︱ 路加福音 ︱ 大清宣統二年歲次庚戌 ︱ 聖書公會印發 ︱ W轳-li (Union version) Luke | British & Foreign Bible Society, 1910.
at page folds: 新約聖書

Hs 1650 [1910]
1 threadbound vol., 12.4 x 18.6 cm, without case or packing.
t.p.: 救主耶穌降世一千九百十年 ︱ 文理和合 ︱ 路加福音 ︱ 大清宣統二年歲次庚戌 ︱ 聖書公會印發 ︱ W轳-li (Union version) Luke | British & Foreign Bible Society, 1910.
at page folds: 新約聖書
Beginning of p. 1 cut out.

Hs 1651
t.p.: 耶穌降世一千九百零二年 ︱ 官話 ︱ 天路歷程 ︱ 光緒二十八年歲次壬寅 ︱ 上海美華書館重印
[both dates are 1902].
1+1+68 double pp. in 1 threadbound vol., 15.9 x 25.6 cm.
author's name in preface: 本人約翰 [i.e. John Bunyan]

Hs 1651,2
t.p.: 西曆一千九百零六年 ︱ 漢鎮 ︱ 英漢書館鉛板印
︱ 天路歷程 ︱ 光緒三十二年丙午歲 ︱ 漢鎮
[both dates are 1906]
preface dated 同治四年 [1865]
author's name in preface: 本人約翰 [John Bunyan]
5 juan, 1 threadbound vol., 12.5 x 20.2 cm.
written on envelope: Pilgrim's progress.

Hs 1657
2 vols., 17.6 x 24.4 cm, western-style paperback binding, in cardboard boards.
on cover: 張菊圃先生遺著 ︱ 不薄齋存稿
t.p.: 不薄齋存稿 ︱ 江蘇吳縣菊圃氏張國華遺著 ︱ 一九五七年十月榖旦刊
at end of author's preface: 民國二十九年夏五張菊圃誌
at head of text: 江蘇吳縣菊普[sic]氏張國華遺著 ︱ 兒女 愛英 恩熊 恩龍 恩虯 共選校

Hs 1660
5 threadbound vols., 11.7 x 17.7 cm.
on cover of vol. 1: 圖註難經
t.p.: 脈訣難經合編
reverse of t.p.: 光緒乙巳季春三月上海日新書莊石印
[date is 1905.]

校正圖註脈訣 ︱ 西晉 王叔和 撰 ︱ 四明 張世賢 註
4 juan, 17+13+13+22 double pp.
[Morohashi 9: 315.1]

vols. 3-4
圖註八十一難經 ︱ 盧國 秦越人 述 ︱ 四明 張世賢 註
4 juan, 14+15+15+15 double pp.
[Morohashi 11: 1050.2]

vol. 5
奇經八脈考 ︱ 蘄人瀕湖李時珍撰輯
1 juan, 13 double pp.
1 juan, 11 double pp.
[ZGCS 849a]

Hs 1670
t.p.: 金聖歎仳點 ︱ 繡像第一才子書 ︱ 三元堂臧板
in text: 四大奇書第一種
[i.e.: 三國演義]
24 threadbound vols., 11.3 x 16.1 cm, packed in 2 brown paper parcels, illustrations.
[Trad. ascr. to Luo Guanzhong 羅貫中; Indiana p. 668]

miscatalogued as: Ch'en Shou: San-kuo chih.

Hs 1672
t.p.: 三國水滸合傳 ︱ 金聖嘆先生批點 ︱ 繡像漢宋奇書 ︱ 振元堂臧板
at page folds: 漢宋奇書 ︱ 英雄譜
two works printed in parallel across each page:
水滸傳 ︱ 東原羅貫中編輯 ︱ 金陵興賢堂梓行
四大奇書第一種 [i.e. 三國演義]
60 juan in 20 threadbound vols., 11.4 x 19.3 cm, in a case.

miscatalogued as: Ch'en Shou: San kuo chih.

Hs 1675
t.p.: 嘉慶庚辰年重鐫 ︱ 金聖歎仳點 ︱ 繡像第一才子書 ︱ 永安堂臧板
[date is 1820]
in text: 四大奇書第一種
20 threadbound vols., 11.6 x 16.7 cm.

Hs 1676
t.p.: 光緒三年重鐫 ︱ 金聖歎仳點 ︱ 右文堂發兌 ︱ 繡像第一才子書 ︱ 同文堂臧板
[date is 1877]
20 threadbound vols., 11.5 x 19.2 cm.

miscatalogued as: Ch'en Shou: San-kuo chih.

Hs 1680
t.p.: 繪圖三國演義
reverse of t.p.: 光緒庚寅歲中冬上海圖書集成局印
[date is 1890]
page fold: 第一才子書
11 threadbound vols., 13.2 x 19.7 cm, illustrations.
printed with moveable type.

miscatalogued as: Ch'en Shou: San-kuo chih.

Hs 1685
on covers: 欽定三國志
t.p.: 三國志六十五卷
reverse of t.p.: 光緒乙巳年上海久敬齋石印
[date is 1905]
4 threadbound vols., 13.6 x 20.6 cm, in a case.
[Chen Shou]

Hs 1698
10 threadbound vols., 11.6 x 16.3 cm, in a case.
Title on case: 正續廣治平略
Contains two works:

t.p.: 廣治平略
in text: 平江蔡方炳九霞定本

t.p.: 續廣治平略 ︱ 善成堂發兌
in text: 平江蔡方炳九霞定本
[Jinbun, p. 612: 清蔡方炳撰]

Hs 1702
2 threadbound vols., 11.9 x 18.3 cm, in a brown envelope.

t.p.: 七巧新譜 ︱ 道光癸未春月重鐫 ︱ 春雨樓珍玩 ︱ 福文堂臧兌
[date is 1823]
in preface: 嘉慶 … 桑下客識
[period is 1796-1820]

t.p.: 七巧圖解 ︱ 福文堂臧板
[Probably published simultaneously with previous work: gives solutions to the puzzles].

Hs 1705
t.p.: 東華錄
in preface: 乾隆三十年十月
[date is 1765]
in text: 湘源蔣良騎千之父
16 threadbound vols., 14.0 x 22.4 cm
[Jinbun, p. 182: 清蔣良騎撰]

Hs 1707
t.p.: 欽定錢錄
reverse of t.p., in seal script: 光緒五年己卯 …
at end of colophon: 光緒五年己卯冬十二月江寧李圭謹識
[date is 1879]
English preface pasted in: Ningpo, January 1880. Li Kuei, author of 環遊地球新錄.
4 vols., 18.0 x 29.3 cm, in wooden boards.
[ZGCS p. 663a]

Hs 1707a
t.p.: 欽定錢錄
4 vols., 13.1 x 19.6 cm, in a case. Illustrations.

Hs 1707b
manuscript, 2 threadbound vols., 15.3 x 24.0 cm, illustrations.
on covers: 西清古鑑錢錄 上下
in text: 欽定錢錄

colophon in cursive script may give provenance.
[Jinbun, p. 427: 西清古鑑]

Hs 1741
1 threadbound vol., 15 x 22.6 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 田海石書 ︱ 真行草 ︱ 三體千字文 ︱ 南谷新七訓點
modern-style colophon: 明治十八年三月廿六日出版御屆 ︱ 同十八年四月三十日刷成 ︱ 訓點兼出版人 大阪 南谷新七
[date is 1885]
(enclosed catalogue cards: Santai senjibun, ved Murata Kaiseki. B. 1-3 bortklipt av forrige eier. Tokyo [?!] 1886 [?!])

Hs 1742
1 threadbound vol., 15.3 x 23.2 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 行書千字文
reverse t.p.: 大正十二年 ...
[date is 1923]
modern-style colophon: 大正十二年二月廿八日印刷 ︱ 大正十二年三月四日發行 ︱ 筆者 山口彥總 ︱ 編輯者 書道研究會 ︱ 發行者 ︱ 田中太右衙門 此村庄助 千葉德松 ︱ 彫刻兼印刷者 東京 小倉四郎
(Enclosed catalogue cards: Gyo@sho Senjibun. Yamaguchi Hikoso@. Osaka [?!] 1923)

Hs 1745
t.p.: 咸豐八年新刊 ︱ 指南尺牘生理要訣 ︱ 五雲樓梓 ︱ 內附稱呼問答
[date is 1858]
in text: 幼學指南
in text: 初學指南尺牘全集 ︱ 雁江丁辰星 南纂輯
2 threadbound vols., 11.4 x 16.7 cm

Hs 1767
t.p.: 舊唐書二百卷
reverse of t.p.: 光緒十年甲申仲春上海同文書局用石影印
[the date is 1884]
note at paper folds: 乾隆四年校刊
[date is 1739]
48 threadbound vols., 12.4 x 19.8 cm, in 5 brown paper packages.

Hs 1768
1 threadbound vol., 15.2 x 26.5 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 閩縣卓君庸纂輯 ︱ 章草考
at page folds: 自青榭叢書之一
at head of text: 閩縣卓定謀君庸纂輯
modern-style colophon: 中華民國十九年三月出版 ︱ 章草考 ︱ 著者 卓定謀 ︱ 發行所 大慈商店 ︱ 印刷所 北平 京華印書局

Hs 1769,5
t.p.:泉唐周韓候 ︱ 山陰劉北溟 ︱ 審定 ︱ 荊南萃古編
reverse of title page: 光緒甲午年鴻寶署齋刊
[date is 1894]
at end of preface: 錢塘周懋琦韓候氏 ︱ 山陰劉北溟氏 ︱ 同輯
2 threadbound vols., 25.6 x 35.8 cm, in wooden boards.
[Jinbun p. 436: 清周懋琦劉瀚同輯]

Hs 1773
title: 疇隱居士自訂年譜
in preface: 民國十四年六月丁福保自識
at page folds: 無錫丁氏臧版
1 threadbound vol., 15.5 x 26.5 cm
[cf. Jinbun p. 978.]

Hs 1774
t.p.: 乾隆三十八年重鐫 ︱ 宋大中丞鑒定 ︱ 朱子家禮 ︱ 宋莊敏公四禮初稿 ︱ 呂忠節公四禮約言 ︱ 附 ︱ 博雅堂梓行
[date is 1773]
at end of preface: 康熙辛巳孟秋商丘宋犖撰
[date is 1701]
at head of text: 紫陽書院定本
[Jinbun p. 385: 家禮 宋朱熹撰]
[ZGCS p. 99a: 四禮初稿 ﹝明﹞宋纁撰]

Hs 1775
6 threadbound vols., 12.7 x 19.4 cm.
t.p.: 朱子小學集註白話解
colophon in vol. 6: 光緒三十三年歲次丁未六月初板 ︱ 演義者彪蒙書室 ︱ 校閱者彪蒙編譯所 ︱ 發行所彪蒙書室 ︱ 上海
[date is 1907]

vols. 1-4
at head of text: 朱子小學白話解
at head of juan 1-2: 江寧陳善最夫甫演
at head of juan 3-4: 仁和瑾生秦鍾瑞演義
at head of juan 5: 江寧旭甫陳善演義
at head of juan 6: 仁和甫王有宗 演註

vol. 5
at head of text: 忠經

vol. 6
at head of text: 孝經 ︱ 仁和王有宗演註

Hs 1778
4 threadbound vols., 13.2 x 20.1 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 鎮海鄭耕伊著 ︱ 初學論說範本
reverse t.p.: 民國三年上海富華書局印行
modern-style colophon: 中華民國三年六月初版 ︱ 撰述者 鎮海鄭耕伊 ︱ 校訂者 鎮海鄭人伊 ︱ 發行者 富華書局 上海 ︱ 千頃堂書局 溫州

Hs 1778,3
4 threadbound vols., 13.6 x 20.5 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 古越 ︱ 孔憲彭著述 ︱ 蔡郕評校
at end of first preface: 中華民國元年五月古越蔡郕識
at end of second preface: 中華民國元年五月蕭山孔憲彭澍棠甫識
modern-style colophon: 中華民國元年六月出版 ︱ 中華民國三年三月八版 ︱ 著述者 蕭山孔憲彭 ︱ 評校者 紹興蔡郕 ︱ 總發行所 上海會文堂 ︱ 廣東會文堂

Hs 1779
t.p.: 道光丁亥春刊 ︱ 吉金所見錄 ︱ 古香書舍臧板
[date is 1827]
at end of author's preface: 嘉慶巳卯仲夏 ︱ 渭園初尚齡識
[date is 1819]
at head of text: 萊陽初尚齡纂輯
4 threadbound vols., 16.3 x 25.8 cm, in wooden boards.

Hs 1783,5
t.p.: 泉志
at end of preface: 紹興十有九年秋七月晦日鄱陽洪遵序
[date is 1149]
at head of text: 宋洪遵撰
note at paper folds: 照曠閤
2 threadbound vols., 18.4 x 29.5 cm
[repr., n.p., n.d.]
[Jinbun p. 441: 宋洪遵撰]

Hs 1784
8 threadbound vols., 16.8 x 25.4 cm, in wooden boards.
[Jinbun, p. 441]

t.p.: 咸豐元年八月彫成 ︱ 泉幣彙考 ︱ 紅葯山房唐氏臧板
[date is 1851]
at end of preface: 道光丙午初秋 ︱ 愚弟何鎔拜書
[date is 1846]
at head of text: 山陰唐與崑西源氏纂輯
6 threadbound vols.

t.p.: 咸豐三年八月彫成 ︱ 制錢通考 ︱ 紅葯山房唐氏臧板
[date is 1853]
at end of preface: 咸豐壬子仲秋前三日 ︱ 西源唐與崑識
[date is 1852]
at head of text: 山陰唐與崑西源氏纂輯
2 threadbound vols.
[Jinbun p. 441, this ed. of both.]

Hs 1787
at page folds: 莊子雪
at end of first preface: 嘉慶四年二月會稽陳大文撰
[date is 1799]
at head of text: 莊子雪 ︱ 信宜陸樹芝見廷甫輯註 ︱ 南華經
3 juan in 3 threadbound vols., 15.7 x 25.5 cm.

Hs 1788
t.p.: 秋水軒尺牘詳註
in text: 山陰許思湄葭村甫著 ︱ 山陰研齋婁世瑞註
preface dated: 道光乙未之秋七月 [i.e. 1835]
4 juan in 2 threadbound vols., 8.9 x 12.2 cm

miscatalogued as: Chuang tzu: Nan hua ching.

Hs 1830
1 threadbound vol., 14.2 x 21.5 cm, in a paper package.
vol. 2 and map missing.
t.p.: 浙江錢塘夏曾佑 浙江海鹽張元濟 參閱 ︱ 最新中國歷史教科書 ︱ 上海 商務印書館印行
reverse t.p.: Commercial Press's New common school text books. ︱ Primary history of Chinese. ︱ With map, vol. I粁I, sixth edition. ︱ Shanghai: Commercial Press, 1906.
at page folds: 初等小學堂課本

Hs 1930
t.p.: 國史館繕本 ︱ 貳臣傳
reverse of t.p.: 都城琉璃廠半松居士排字本
12 juan in 12 threadbound vols., 14.0 x 22.5 cm.
[Jinbun, this ed.]

Hs 2001
2 threadbound vols., 18.7 x 27.4 cm, in a case.
no t.p.
vol. labels: 繙譯幼學須知 上下
text in Manchu with some Chinese glosses.
written in pencil inside first case: Tacire urse saci acara bithe ︱ "Elementary book for pupils" ︱ Dr. A. Fonahn ︱ University of Kristiania ︱ (Presented to me by Mr. Black, Peking, 1918. This copy being 70-80 years old, accord. to my Peking teacher, Mr. Wen, "it rare book".)
[SOAS: Ch. orig. by 程允升]

Hs 2006
t.p.: 後漢書
reverse of t.p.: 同治癸酉仲秋嶺東使署校刊
[date is 1873]
at head of text: 唐章懷太子賢注
16 threadbound vols., 19.3 x 28.9 cm, in 2 pairs of wooden boards.
vols. are numbered on edge 17-32.
vols. 31-32: 注補續漢書八志 ︱ 梁郯令劉昭

Hs 2008
t.p.: 後漢書
reverse of t.p.: 光緒甲辰年…
[date is 1904.]
note at end of each chapter: 金陵書局據汲古閤本刊
juan 1-90 [30 juan of treatises missing]
14 threadbound vols., 17.6 x 27.9 cm, in cardboard endboards.
[Jinbun p. 154, this ed.]
Note Hs 3598.

Hs 2010
t.p.: 後漢書百二十卷
reverse of t.p.: 光緒乙巳年上海久敬齋石印
[date is 1905]
note at paper folds: 乾隆四年校刊
[date is 1739]
at head of text: 宋宣城太守范曄撰 ︱ 唐章懷太子賢註
8 threadbound vols., 13.7 x 20.6 cm

Hs 2040
8 threadbound vols. in a case, 13.7 x 20.5 cm, ill.
t.p.: 繪圖封神演義 ︱ 天寶書局印行 石印
preface dated: 康熙乙亥年
[date is 1695].

Hs 2043
1 threadbound vol., 13.4 x 20.2 cm, 1+85 double pp.
t.p.: 創世記講義
modern-style colophon: 中華民國二年 ︱ 編輯者 瑙[口+威]傅乃士 ︱ 長沙梁集生 ︱ 發行所 信義神學院 ︱ 印刷所 漢口維新局 ︱ 西歷千九百十三年
written on cover: Kommentar til Genesis av Andreas Fleischer.

Hs 2070
2 threadbound vols., 170 + 182 pp., 12.5 x 20.7 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 主歷一九二二 ︱ 中華民國十一 ︱ 年出版 ︱ 舊約歷史 ︱ 中華信義會書報部發行
modern-style colophon: 著作者 瑞典符勵愷牧師 ︱ 發行者 中華信義會書報部

t.p.: 主歷一九二三 ︱ 中華民國十二 ︱ 年出版 ︱ 新約歷史 ︱ 中華信義會書報部發行

Hs 2090
3 threadbound vols., 12.8 x 19.6 cm, with illustrations.

on each cover: 改良繪圖 ︱ 婦孺 ︱ 三四五 ︱ 字讀本全書 ︱ 粵東佛鎮福寧大街寶華閤板

t.p.: 光緒二十七年三版 ︱ 改良婦孺三字書 ︱ 下卷 ︱ 再次改良 ︱ 蒙學書塾編輯
[date is 1901]
1 vol.
other juan missing

t.p.: 光緒二十七年再版 ︱ 改良繪圖四字書 ︱ 蒙學書塾編輯
at end of preface: 光緒二十六年新會陳榮袞敘
1 vol.

t.p.: 光緒二十七年再版 ︱ 改良繪圖五字書 ︱ 蒙學書塾編輯
at end of preface: 光緒二十六年新會陳榮袞識
1 vol.

Hs 2120
t.p.: 海國聞見錄
at head of first preface: 重刻海國聞見錄
at end of first preface: 乾隆癸丑年午月浙江 ︱ 石門馬俊良重訂 ︱ 蛟川林秉璐校字
[date is 1793]
at end of last preface: 雍正八年歲次庚戌仲冬望日 ︱ 同安陳倫炯謹誌
[date is 1730]
only first vol., 上卷.
1 threadbound vol., 12.3 x 18.7 cm.
[ZGCS p. 624b]

Hs 2130
t.p.: 民國二年重校 ︱ 韓非子 ︱ 埽葉山房發行
reverse of t.p.: 民國二年石印
at end of preface: 乾道改元中元日黃三八郎印
[date is 1821]
6 vols., 13.3 x 20.1 cm, in a case.

Hs 2156
t.p.: 好逑傳 ︱ 第二才子書 ︱ 集文堂臧板
at head of text: 新刻天花臧義俠好逑傳
at page folds: 第二才子
4 vols., 11.1 x 18.1 cm.

Hs 2170
label on covers: 劉氏聚學軒重刻金石圖說
t.p.: 金石圖說
reverse of t.p.: 光緒癸巳…
[date is 1893]
2 threadbound vols., 25.3 x 40.4 cm.
[Indiana p. 400]

Hs 2189
10 + 10 vols. in 2 cases, ill., 16.2 x 24.6 cm.
t.p.: 悟一子批評 ︱ 丘真春真人證道 ︱ 金聖歎加評繪像西遊真詮 ︱ 翠筠山房藏板
at end of preface: 康熙丙子中秋西堂老人尤侗譔
[date is 1696]

Hs 2190
t.p.: 繪圖加批西游記
reverse of t.p.: 民國二年仲冬上海天寶書局複校印行
at head of text: 增像全圖加批西游記 ︱ 山陰悟一子陳士斌允生甫詮
8 vols., 13.5 x 20. 4 cm, in a case.

Hs 2200
7 threadbound vols., 13.7 x 22.9 cm, in a case.
case label: 孝經 ︱ 小學 ︱ 四書

t.p.: 同治丙寅年鐫 ︱ 孝經小學正文 ︱ 佛山 ︱ 翰寶樓臧板
[date is 1866]
2 vols.

t.p.: 審音辨畫校訂無訛 ︱ 遵依康熙字典 ︱
裡如堂四書正文 ︱ 連元閤臧板
at head of text: 連元閤校正監韻分章分節四書正文 ︱ 遵依國子監銅板原本 ︱ 經魁陳□廊寰甫校
contains: 大學 中庸 論語 孟子
5 vols.

Hs 2262
40 threadbound vols., 12.3 x 19.2 cm, in 5 paper packages.
label of each vol.: 欽定唐書

Includes two works:

in text: 唐書釋音 ︱ 宋…董衝進
1 vol.
n.p., n.d.

t.p.: 唐書二百二十五卷
reverse t.p.: 光緒十年甲申仲春上海同文書局用石影印
[date is 1884]
in text: 唐書 ︱ 宋…歐陽修撰
39 vols.

Hs 2264
2 threadbound vols., 18 x 27 cm, ill.
label on both vols.: 行川必要

vol. 1 t.p.: 附刻行川必要
at end of preface: 光緒肆年 … 平江羅縉紳謹識
[date is 1878]

vol. 2 t.p.: 峽江圖□ [4th char. in seal script.]
illustrations with very little text.

Hs 2268
6 threadbound vols., 13.2 x 19.8 cm, ill. (vol. 5: 13.5 x 20.5 cm).
on cover of each vol.: 初等小學堂五年完全科 ︱ 修身教科書
t.p. 學部第一次編纂初等小學修身教科書
reverse t.p.: 宣統元年十一月學部圖書局印行
[date is 1909]
modern-style colophon: 宣統元年十一月印刷 ︱ 宣統元年十一月出版 ︱ 宣統二年四月重印 ︱ 發行者 學部編譯圖書局 ︱ 重印刷處 會文堂書局

Hs 2280
8 threadbound vols., 18.0 x 27.3 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 北宋本校刊 ︱ 說文真本 ︱ 汲古閣藏板
reverse t.p.: 同治辛未□新鐫 ︱ 許氏說文 ︱ 校正無訛
[date is 1871]
[cover is torn at □]
in text: 徐鉉奉敕校定 ︱ 大興朱筠依宋本重付開雕 ︱ 宛平徐瀚校字
colophon dated: 雍熙三年十一月
[date is 986]

Hs 2281
4 threadbound vols., 13.4 x 20 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 仿北宋小字本說文解字 ︱ 藤花榭藏板 ︱ 商務印書館摹印
modern-style colophon: 中華民國三年七月初版 ︱ 民國廿二年三月印行 國難後第一版 ︱ 說文解字 ︱ 發行者 商務印書館
[Jinbun p. 127: 宋徐鉉等奉敕校定]

Hs 2290
4 threadbound vols., 13.3 x 20.0 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 民國三年三月 ︱ 荀子 ︱ 掃葉山房石印
reverse t.p.: 民國二年石印
in text: 唐…楊倞注

Hs 2319
t.p.: 黃朝政典挈要
reverse t.p.: 光緒廿有八年知新書局石印
[date is 1902]
in preface: 日本明治十年三月三日岳陽增田貢撰
[Masuda Susumu] [date is 1880]
in preface: 原名清史攬要
in text: 遂安毛淦補編 ︱ 仁和汪厚昌 ︱ 錢塘顧梓田 ︱ 訂正
added at end of last vol.: compilation of treaties with foreign powers, without real title. At page centrefolds: 黃朝政典挈要 ︱ 今上
4 threadbound vols., 13.3 x 20.5 cm

Hs 2321
(Belongs together with Hs 2322)
label: 黃帝內經靈樞
no t.p.
in text: 黃帝內經素問遺篇
in text: 黃帝內經靈樞
2 threadbound vols., 13.2 x 19.9 cm.

Hs 2322
label: 黃帝內經素問
t.p.: 黃帝內經 ︱ 後附靈樞
reverse t.p.: 光緒二十二年圖書集成局印
[date is 1889]
in text: 補注黃帝內經素問 ︱ 啟玄子次注林億孫奇高保衡等奉敕校正孫兆重改誤
at page folds: 內經
4 threadbound vols., 13.2 x 19.9 cm.

Hs 2337
4 threadbound vols., 13.5 x 19.7 cm, in a paper package.
no t.p.
on covers: 繪圖速通虛字法初編
modern-style colophon: 中華民國二年三月第三十五版 ︱ 〔繪圖速通虛字法初編〕 ︱ 編輯者 杭縣施錫軒 ︱ 校勘者 上海彪文書局編輯所 ︱ 出版者 上海彪文書局 ︱ 發行者 上海彪蒙書室

Hs 2369
t.p.: 欽尊御案經解 ︱ 嘉定黃淳躍先生原
本嶺梅鄒梧岡手輯 ︱ 同文堂發兌 ︱ 周易備旨能解 ︱ 右文堂藏版
In text: 御案周易
In text: 周易備旨
In text: 寄傲山房塾課纂輯御案易經備旨 ︱ 朱熹本義 ︱ 霧閣鄒聖脈梧岡氏纂輯 ︱ 男廷猷可庭氏編次 ︱ 孫景揚克襄氏訂
7 juan, 3 threadbound vols., 26.3 x 15.9 cm.

Hs 2370
7 threadbound vols., 15.9 x 22.3 cm.
label on each vol.: 經典餘師 ︱ 易經
t.p.: 讚岐百年先生述 ︱ 易經之部 ︱ 七卷 ︱ 京攝書林 ︱ 六書堂合刻

Hs 2375
2 threadbound vols., 16.2 x 25.8 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 易經
reverse t.p.: 道光廿有六年邵州鄴氏刊於濂溪講院
[date is 1846]

Hs 2382
2 threadbound vols., 15.4 x 26.9 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 易經
at page folds: 商務印書館藏版
[19xx, printed with moveable type.]

Hs 2437
9+6+9 threadbound vols., 13.3 x 20.3 cm, ill., in 3 paper packages.
t.p.: 御纂 ︱ 醫宗金鑒全書
reverse t.p.: 光緒十有八年上海圖書集成書局印
[date is 1892].
[Hummel p. 603].

Hs 2470
40 threadbound vols., 15.6 x 24.9 cm, in 6 cases.
no t.p.
in text: 御製康熙字典
preface dated: 康熙五十五年閏三月十九日

Hs 2471
35 threadbound vols., 15.6 x 25.1 cm, in 3 sets of wooden boards.
t.p.: 道光七年重刊
[date is 1827].
reverse t.p.: 御製 ︱ 康熙字典

Hs 2473
6 threadbound vols., 13.2 x 19.8 cm.
t.p.: 康熙字典
reverse t.p.: 光緒壬寅孟秋上海積山書局石印
[date is 1902].
written on cover: Gave fra missionslæge Jørgen Nilssen febr. 1911. A. Fonahn.

Hs 2485
1 threadbound vol., 13.4 x 23.7 cm.
t.p.: 光緒元年新鐫 ︱ 西藥略釋 ︱ 羊城博濟醫局藏板
[date is 1875].
1 page in English: Preface to the second edition. Canton, March, 1876. J.G.K.
in text: 美國 嘉約翰口譯 ︱ 莆田 林湘東筆述
written on cover: Kerr, John Glasgow.
no English title.

Hs 2490
4 threadbound vols., 17.2 x 26.7 cm.
t.p.: 抱朴子
reverse t.p.: 光緒紀元夏月湖北崇文書局開雕
[date is 1875]
in text: 晉葛洪稚川撰
內篇 2 vols.
外篇 2 vols.

Hs 2525
40 vols., 17.1 x 30.3 cm, in 2 sets of wooden boards.
t.p.: 古文淵鑒
preface dated: 康熙二十四年十二月
[date is 1685]
in text: 徐乾學等奉旨編注
[Hummel p. 311].

Hs 2538
1 threadbound vol., 14.9 x 21.8 cm
t.p.: 官話指南
end of first preface: 明治十四年十二月田邊太一敘於燕京公署
colophon: 在清國北京大日本國公使館 ︱ 長崎縣士族 ︱ 吳啟太 ︱ 東京府士族鄭永邦 ︱ 同編著 ︱ … ︱ 長崎縣平民 ︱ 楊龍太郎出版
[date is 1881].
ex libris: A. Fonahn.

Hs 2560
5 threadbound vols., 13.3 x 19.9 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 唐司空房元齡註 ︱ 管子 ︱ 埽葉山房發行
reverse t.p.: 民國三年石印
at end of preface: 萬歷壬午春三月 … 趙用賢撰

Hs 2592
1 threadbound vol., 15.5 x 26.9 cm.
on cover: 金剛真經
t.p.: □□金剛經
in text: 金剛般若波羅密經
n.p., n.d. [18xx]
written on cover: Dr. A. Fonahn (fra Rektor Sten Bugge).
written on cover: I denne sutra forekommer - kap. VI - spådommen om Kristi komme til verden.

Hs 2593
1 threadbound vol., 15.9 x 25.5 cm.
cover: 金剛真經
t.p.: 同治甲戌三刊 ︱ 金剛般若波羅密經般若波羅密多心經 ︱ 文堂藏板
[date is 1874]
preface dated: 道光元年
[date is 1821].
in text: 金剛經石註 ︱ 楊州石成金天基集註

Hs 2595
1 threadbound vol., 15.5 x 26.3 cm.
t.p.: 佛學叢書之七 ︱ 金剛經箋註 ︱ 上海醫學書局發行
in text: 金剛般若波羅蜜經箋註 … 無錫丁複保仲祜箋註
at page folds: 無錫丁氏藏版
[seems to be a repr. by Yixue Shuju of an ed. by Ding Fubao.]

Hs 2615
1 threadbound vol., 15.7 x 24.6 cm.
no t.p.
in text: 中庸章句
in text: 中庸 ︱ 朱熹章句
added after preface: 光緒癸巳年上海簡玉山房梓
[date is 1893].

Hs 2630
5 threadbound vols., 13.3 x 25.6 cm.
t.p.: 道光廿二年鐫 ︱ 審音辨畫校訂無訛 ︱
裡如堂四書正文 ︱ 富文堂藏板
[date is 1842].
in text: 連雲閣較正監韻分章分節四書正文

vol. 1:
in text: 大學 ︱ 遵依國子監銅板訂本 ︱ 經魁陳廌廓寰甫校
in text: 中庸

vols. 2-3:
in text: 論語 ︱ 特賜進士顧茂猷壯其較正

vols. 4-5:
in text: 孟子 ︱ 特賜進士顧茂猷壯其較正

Hs 2660
6 threadbound vols., 13.4 x 24.5 cm
label on each vol.: 四書正文讀本
t.p.: 光緒丁酉春月遵依國子監原本新校 ︱ 四書正文 ︱ 香港文裕堂書局活字排印
[date is 1897]
in text: 雍睦堂較正監韻分章分節四書正文

in text: 大學 ︱ 遵依國子監銅板訂本 ︱ 經魁陳廌廓寰甫校
in text: 中庸

vols. 2-3:
in text: 論語 ︱ 特賜進士顧茂猷壯其較正

vols. 4-6:
in text: 孟子 ︱ 特賜進士顧茂猷壯其較正

Hs 2665
2 threadbound vols., 17.7 x 29 cm, in a paper package.
t.p. 讀史論略
text in Manchu with some Chinese glosses.
Written on cover: Manchu og kinesisk: Hulaha suduri-i soson be leolehe bithe.
[SOAS: by 杜雲川]

Hs 2670
6 threadbound vols., 15.7 x 25.1 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 四書貫解
reverse t.p.: 宣統元年春仁記書局刊
[date is 1909].
in text: 環峰朱良玉西田纂輯
in text: 朱熹章句
in text: 朱熹集注

Hs 2672
13 threadbound vols., 13.4 x 20.2 cm, in a case. [1 vol. lacking]
t.p.: 四書白話註解
reverse t.p.: 中華民國五年六月初版 ︱ 四書白話註解 ︱ 十四冊 ︱ 編演者 仁和許伏民 江寧童官卓 ︱ 印刷所 國粹書局

1 vol.
at head of text: 大學 ︱ 杭縣 ︱ 許伏民演

1 vol.
at head of text: 中庸 ︱ 杭縣 ︱ 許伏民演

5 vols.
at head of text: 論語 ︱ 杭縣 ︱ 許伏民演

6 vols. (one lacking).
at head of text: 孟子 ︱ 江寧 ︱ 童官卓演

Hs 2775
6 threadbound vols., 16.1 x 26.5 cm in wooden boards.
t.p.: 遵奉御纂經解 ︱ 霧閣鄒梧岡纂輯 ︱ 春秋備旨全傳 ︱ 德文堂藏板
at end of first preface: 乾隆二十三年 … 于敏中奉敕敬書
at end of second preface: 霧閣鄒梧岡識
in text: 寄傲山房塾課纂輯春秋備旨 ︱ 霧閣鄒聖脈梧岡氏纂輯 ︱ 男可庭涉園氏編次 ︱ 孫景 鴻聯 揚克襄 章翀校訂
[probably a late repr.]
[ZGCS p. 128a].

Hs 2777
1 threadbound vol., 17.5 x 25.3 cm, in a paper package.
on cover: 林家正本 ︱ 春秋 ︱ 改點
at head of preface: 春秋胡氏傳序
at page folds: 五經改點
[colophon of Hs 3305 applies to this as well.]
written on cover: Donné par Monsieur l'abbé Girard.

Hs 2780
10 threadbound vols., 15.6 x 24.0 cm, ill., in a case.
t.p.: 春秋左傳杜注卅卷
reverse t.p.: 光緒甲辰寶慶勸學書舍重校刊華亭姚氏本印行
[date is 1904].
in text: 華亭姚培謙學
[ZGCS p. 105a].

Hs 3060
2 threadbound vols., 22.9 x 19.8 cm, ill., in a case.
label on each vol.: 川行必讀峽江圖考
t.p.: 峽江圖考
at end of preface: 光緒十有五年嘉平月京江國璋識於彝陵差次
[date is 1889]
colophon (cursive seal script): 光緒貳十有四年祥□□山房書局石印
[date is 1888].
written on cover: Map and itinerary of the river Yangtze between Ichang and Chungking ... by Kuo-chang 國璋 ... late magistrate (Pa hsien) of Chungking. (Presented to me by the author, 1897.) H. Schi篙.
Dedication by author at end of vol. 2.
[Marvellous book with continuous drawing of the river for the whole length.]

Hs 3060a
2 threadbound vols., 25.3 x 19.2 cm, ill., in a case.
label: 行川必要圖考 ︱ 文盛書局藏版
t.p.: 峽江圖考
at end of preface: 光緒十有五年嘉平月京江國璋識於彝陵差次
colophon: 丙辰年三月出版 ︱ 己未年六月再版 ︱ 總發行所晏文盛書局
[dates are 1916, 1919].
repr. of Hs 3060.
written inside case: Gave fra Kapten Hesselbarth 22/2.21. A. Fonahn.

Hs 3070
4 threadbound vols., 12.9 x 19.3 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 國朝畫識 ︱ 野侯書耑
reverse t.p.: 中華書局珍倣宋版精校印
[moveable type].
at head of text: 南匯 馮金伯 冶堂 纂輯 ︱ 海陽 吳晉 進之 參訂
modern-style colophon: 中華民國十二年四月初版 ︱ 中華民國十三年八月再版 ︱ 國朝畫識 ︱ 著者 南匯金伯冶 [sic!] ︱ 編校者 高野侯 ︱ 發行者 中華書局 ︱ 發行所 上海 文明書局
[Jinbun p. 549: 清馮金伯撰]

Hs 3090
10 threadbound vols., 13.3 x 20.1 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 學部第一次編纂初等小學國文教科書
reverse t.p.: 宣統元年十一月學部圖書局印行
[date is 1909]
on covers: 初等小學堂五年完全科 ︱ 國文教科書

Hs 3095
6 threadbound vols., 13.3 x 19.9 cm, in a paper package.
on covers: 教育部審定 ︱ 新式 ︱ 國文教科書 ︱ 上海中華書局印行
modern-style colophons: 民國五年一月印刷 ︱ 民國五年一月發行 ︱ 民國六年二月五版 ︱ 編輯者 武進呂思勉 南海崔景元 神池劉棫 ︱ 發行者 桐鄉陸費逵
colophons differ slightly, vol. 3 has also: 編輯者 瀋陽吳景濂

Hs 3110
8 threadbound vols., 13.5 x 20.4 cm, in a case.
label on case: 國語國策合編

vols. 1-3:
t.p.: 天聖明道本國語
reverse t.p.: 民國三年上海鴻寶齋書局印
at end of preface: 嘉慶五年 … 長塘湖局士段玉裁序
in text: 韋氏解
[ZGCS p. 294a: 吳韋昭注

vols. 4-8:
t.p.: 剡川姚氏本戰國策
reverse t.p.: 民國三年上海鴻寶齋書局印
at end of preface: 癸□仲冬竹汀錢大昕序
in text: 高誘注

Hs 3305
4 threadbound vols., 17.5 x 25.3 cm, in a paper package.
entirely in Chinese, with Japanese kaeriten.
on covers: 林家正本 ︱ 禮記 ︱ 改點
at head of preface: 禮記集說
at end of preface: 至治壬戌良月既望後學東匯陳澔序
[date is 1322]
colophon: 寬政三歲辛亥臘月再鐫 ︱ 嘉永二歲已酉求版補刺 ︱ 江戶
[dates are 1791, 1849]
at page folds: 五經改點
written on cover: Donné par Monsieur l'abbé Girard.
Note also Hs 2777

Hs 3308
6 threadbound vols., 15.9 x 26.4 cm, in wooden boards.
t.p.: 遵奉禮部議覆刊行 ︱ 霧閣鄒梧岡纂輯 ︱ 禮記備旨全文 ︱ 光緒五年新鐫 ︱ 英文堂藏板
[date is 1879].
in text: 寄傲山房塾課纂輯禮記全文備旨 ︱ 霧閣鄒聖脈梧岡氏纂輯 ︱ 男廷猷可庭編次 ︱ 孫景 鴻聯 揚克襄 章翀校訂
[ZGCS, p. 86b]

Hs 3310
10 threadbound vols., 15.7 x 24.9 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 禮記集說
reverse t.p.: 光緒十八年仲秋月湖南省尊經閣刊行
[date is 1892]
in text: 陳澔集註
[ZGCS 85b]

Hs 3321
4 threadbound vols., 15.3 x 25.7 cm, ill., in wooden boards.
t.p.: 環遊地球新錄
end of first preface: 光緒四年戊寅三月 … 合肥李鴻章撰
[date is 1878]
end of second preface:
in text: 江寧李圭小池
on fold-out maps: Ernest Grelier, lithographic printer, Corner of Nanking & Szechuen Roads, Shanghai.
[interesting travel account.]
Incorrectly catalogued with Li Hongzhang as author.

Hs 3324
20 threadbound vols., 14.9 x 25.6 cm, ill., in 2 cases.
t.p.: 同治甲子年鐫 ︱ 古泉匯 ︱ 利津李氏石泉書屋藏板
[date is 1864]
end of first preface: 咸豐九年秋歙鮑康又序
end of second preface: 國史館舊史李佐賢自序
postface: 同治甲子 … 舊史李佐賢跋
[ZGCS 2: 663b, 3: 532b]

Hs 3324,5
40 threadbound vols., 11.6 x 16.5 cm, ill., in 3 paper packages.
t.p.: 李瀕湖先生原本 內附 萬方鍼線 瀕湖脈學 ︱ 重訂本草綱目
reverse t.p.: 光緒丁未年益元書局刊
[date is 1907]
end of first preface: 順治丁酉長至日撫江使者三韓張朝璘題

vols. 1-36:
in text: 新陽李時珍東璧氏編輯

vols. 37-39:
no t.p.
in text: 本草萬方鍼線 ︱ 山陰蔡烈先繭齋氏輯

vol. 40:
t.p.: 瀕湖
reverse t.p.: 光緒上章困敦務本書局梓行
in text: 瀕湖脈學

Hs 3324,5
4 threadbound vols., 13.5 x 20.3 cm, ill., in a case.
t.p.: 本草備讀
reverse t.p.: 民國元年上海江東書局印行
in text: 本草新讀本 ︱ 武進張秉成兆嘉集選 ︱ 門人 唐君培 男之 寶研農 同校
author's preface ends: 光緒丁亥孟夏武進張秉成兆嘉氏自序於存誠堂

Hs 3324,5a
19 threadbound vols., 13.5 x 20.6 cm, in cardboard boards.

vols. 1-16:
t.p.: 增廣本草綱目
reverse t.p.: 宣統辛亥年仲春上海商務印書館第二次
[date is 1911]

in text: 本草綱目 ︱ 新陽李時珍東璧氏編輯
︱ 合肥張紹棠又堂重校刊

vol. 17:
t.p.: 本草萬方鍼
reverse t.p.: 宣統辛亥年仲春上海商務印書館第二次
in text: 山陰蔡烈先繭齋氏輯

vols. 18-19:
t.p.: 本草綱目拾遺
reverse t.p.: 宣統辛亥年仲春上海商務印書館第二次校正石印
in text: 錢塘趙學敏恕軒氏輯
end of postface: 同治甲子秋日錢塘張應昌仲甫氏撰

written on vol. 17: A. Fonahn (fra ingeniør Skappel, Peking) 1914.

Hs 3324,6
12 threadbound vols., 13.6 x 20.5 cm, ill., in 2 cases.
on each cover: 校正本草綱目

vols. 1-10:
t.p.: 校正本草綱目
reverse t.p.: 宣統元年冬上海經香閣三次石印
[date is 1909]
end of first preface: 順治丁酉長至日撫江使者三韓張朝璘題
in text: 新陽李時珍東璧氏編輯 ︱ 武林吳毓昌玉涵氏較訂

vol. 11:
t.p.: 本草綱目拾遺
reverse t.p.: 宣統元年冬上海經香閣三次石印
in text: 錢塘趙學敏恕軒氏輯
end of postface: 同治甲子秋日錢塘張應昌仲甫氏撰

vol. 12:
t.p.: 本草萬方鍼線
reverse t.p.: 宣統元年冬上海經香閣三次石印
in text: 山陰蔡烈先繭齋氏輯

wrapper from a package of Chinese syphilis medicine (19th century?) laid in.

Hs 3327
7 threadbound vols., 16.2 x 26.6 cm.
t.p.: 寧化李元仲先生著 ︱ 錢神志 ︱ 楚北劉國光梓行
reverse t.p.: 光緒六年庚辰仲春刊於□州□□
[date is 1880]
end of first preface: 光緒六年歲次庚辰仲春月安陸劉國光謹撰
end of third preface: 同治十年歲次辛未季春毗陵劉培芬謹撰
in text: 寧化李世熊元仲氏著 ︱ 楚北劉國光重刊

Hs 3328
12 threadbound vols., 15.1 x 25.0 cm, ill., in 2 paper packages.
t.p.: 秣陵菜元放批評 ︱ 硃套 ︱ 東周列國全志 ︱
end of first preface: 乾隆五年歲次庚申春月繡谷胡宗文題
[date is 1740]
end of second preface: 乾隆元年春月七都夢夫菜元放氏題於支瞬居中
in text: 白下菜昇元房甫評點
at page folds: 東周列國志
printed in red and black.

Hs 3329
12 threadbound vols., 12.3 x 19.5 cm, ill., in 1 case and 1 paper package.
t.p.: 東周列國志
reverse t.p.: 光緒九年春築野書屋校印於上海
[date is 1883]
end of preface: 乾隆十七年春月七都夢夫菜元放題於福淨山房
in text: 東周列國全志 ︱ 白下菜昇元房甫評點

Hs 3330
8 threadbound vols., 13.2 x 20.4 cm, ill., in a case.
label on each vol.: 繪圖東周列國志
t.p.: 增像全圖東周列國志
reverse t.p.: 民國二年冬季天寶書局石印
in text: 東周列國全志
end of preface: 民國貳年冬季稽山童仲子錄於上

Hs 3385 [1-2]
14 threadbound vols. in 2 cases.
label on cases: 廬山志
t.p.: 廬山志
end of author's preface: 吳宗慈識時民國二十二年冬
modern-style colophon: 中華民國二十二年冬初版印行 ︱ 廬山志 ︱ 南豐吳宗慈主編 ︱ 發行者吳宗慈

Hs 3385 [3-4]
11 threadbound vols., 15.5 x 26.0 cm + 2 Western-style vols. + 5 errata sheets in 2 cases.
label on cases: 廬山志副刊

t.p.: 廬山金石匯考
at page folds: 廬山志副刊之一
in text: 重修廬山志編纂者主任吳宗慈輯注
4 threadbound vols.

t.p.: 廬山金石存真
1 Western-style vol., 15.3 x 26.1 cm, mostly illustrations.

t.p.: 廬山歷史風景畫片冊
1 Western-style vol., 15.4 x 26.1 cm, mostly photographs.

t.p.: 廬山歷代文廣存
in text: 重修廬山志編纂者主任吳宗慈輯存
at page folds: 廬山志副刊之二
1 threadbound vol., 15.5 x 26.0 cm.

t.p.: 廬山歷代詩廣存
end of preface: 吳宗慈序
at page folds: 廬山志副刊之三
3 threadbound vols., 15.5 x 26.0 cm.

t.p.: 廬山古今游記叢鈔
at end of preface: 吳宗慈序時民國二十一年五月 … 民國二十三年一月吳宗慈再記
in text: 重修廬山志編纂者主任吳宗慈輯注
at page folds: 廬山志副刊之四
2 threadbound vols., 15.5 x 26.0 cm.

t.p.: 四庫全書所收守山閣叢書殘本 日本大正刊大藏經所收大谷大學藏本及元祿十年刊本 合校本 ︱ 宋陳舜俞廬山記 ︱ 南豐吳宗慈校并注
at end: 中華民國二十三年二月再版
at page folds: 廬山志副刊之五

appended short works under title 花甲閑談選三種:
at page folds: 廬山志副刊之六

1 threadbound vol., 15.5 x 26.0 cm.
[the above two items.]

Hs 3390
12 threadbound vols., 16.5 x 25.8 cm, ill., in wooden boards.
t.p.: 平江蔡九霞增輯︱ 重訂廣輿記 ︱ 大文堂梓行
end of preface: 康熙丙寅秋日平江蔡方炳九霞題於秦淮旅次
[date is 1686]
in text: 增訂廣輿記
facs. repr. n.p., n.d. [18xx.]
[ZGCS 513b]

Hs 3396
103 threadbound vols., 17.6 x 30.9 cm, in 11 paper packages.
written in vol. 1: Bought June 9th 1869 in Peking, China.
no t.p.
in text: 文獻通考 ︱ 鄱陽馬端臨貴與著
end of preface: 乾隆戊辰冬十二月

Hs 3398
50 threadbound vols., 16.6 x 26.5 cm, in 6 paper packages.
Missing: juan 110-129.
no t.p.
in text: 續文獻通考 ︱ 皇明進士雲間王圻纂輯
end of preface: 萬曆癸卯 … 關西溫純序
Mistakenly catalogued with Ma Duanlin as author.

Hs 3400
80 vols. in 7 paper packages.
no t.p.
in text: 文獻通考 ︱ 鄱陽馬端臨貴與著述 ︱ 東陽邵豳宗周校刊
Hs 3500
32 vols., 17.9 x 30.4 cm, in 2 paper packages.
t.p.: 泉布統誌
end of author's preface: 會稽逸岡老人孟麟撰
in text: 會稽孟逸岡輯

Hs 3530
10 threadbound vols., 17.7 x 30.1 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 欽定 ︱ 明鑒
reverse t.p.: 同治九年庚午湖北崇文書局□刊
[date is 1870]
in preface: 托津
[Hummel, p. 177]

Hs 3558
2 threadbound vols., 13.6 x 20.5 cm
t.p.: 河東薛生白先生校正 ︱ 內經知要
reverse t.p.: 光緒丁未年秋上海普新端記書局石印
[date is 1907]
end of preface: 乾隆甲申夏日牧牛老□薛雪題李儉書
in text: 雲間李念莪先生原輯 ︱ 河東薛生白校正重刊

Hs 3565
2 threadbound vols., 13.9 x 22.6 cm.
t.p.: 國史館繕本 ︱ 逆臣傳
reverse t.p.: 都城琉璃廠半松居士排字本

Hs 3570
8+8 threadbound vols., 17.8 x 30.3 cm, in two sets of wooden boards.
t.p.: 古今泉略三十二卷
reverse t.p.: 望江倪氏兩彊勉齋
end of preface: 光緒丁丑正月瑞安孫衣言書於武昌使署
[date is 1877]
in text: 古今錢略 ︱ 望江倪模述
at page folds: 大雷岸 ︱ 經鋤堂
long printed sheet, 218 x 26.7 cm, laid in with abstracts of Imperial edicts concerning coinage, 1668-1823.
[Jinbun, p. 441]

Hs 3596
16 threadbound vols., 19.4 x 28.8 cm, in two sets of wooden boards.
t.p.: 漢書
reverse t.p.: 同治癸酉孟秋嶺東使署校刊
[date is 1873]
cartouche at end of last vol.: 韓江書局仿汲古閣本刊
in text: 顏師古注

Hs 3598
16 threadbound vols., 17.7 x 28.4 cm, in 3 sets of cardboard boards.
t.p.: 漢書
reverse t.p.: 光緒六年庚辰金陵書局□刊
[date is 1880]
in text: 前漢書
in text: 顏師古注
cartouche at end: 金陵書局仿汲古閣本刊
at page folds: 汲古閣 ︱ 毛氏正本
incorrect note on front: mgl. ch. 101-120

Hs 3598
2 threadbound vols., 17.8 x 28.2 cm, in cardboard boards.
no t.p.
in text: 續漢書八志
in text: 續漢志 ︱ 梁劉昭注補
incorrectly catalogued as part of Ban Gu: Han shu.
incorrect note on front: mgl. 1/7?
[usually included in Fan Ye: Hou Han shu]
[ZGCS 266b]
Note Hs 2008.

Hs 3600
12 threadbound vols., 13.6 x 20.5 cm, in a case.
label on each vol.: 欽定前漢書
t.p.: 漢書百二十卷
reverse t.p.: 光緒乙巳年上海久敬齋石印
[date is 1905]
at page folds: 乾隆四年校刊 ︱ 前漢書
[date is 1739]
in text: 顏師古注
colophon dated: 乾隆四年

Hs 3610
2 threadbound vols., 12.1 x 17.5 cm.
t.p.: 廣州鄉賢傳
reverse t.p.: 省城龍藏街萃文堂存板
in text: 潘禺後學潘元訂輯
end of preface: 同治改元壬戌之秋七月既望譚瑩玉
[date is 1862]

Hs 3640
6 threadbound vols., 16.1 x 25.0 cm, ill., in a case.
t.p.: 配命錄 ︱ 陰騭文圖說 ︱ 聖訓附 ︱ 性天真境 ︱ 慾海慈航
[not obviously a repr., could be 1737 ed.]

label: 陰騭文圖說
in text: 文昌帝君陰騭文
end of preface: 乾隆二年九月閩中弟子黃正元敬識
4 vols., ill.

label: 性天真境
in text: 閩中黃正元泰一纂輯
end of preface: 乾隆二年四月閩中弟子黃正元敬識於袁
1 vol.

label: 慾海慈航
in text: 閩中黃正元泰一纂輯
end of preface: 乾隆二年五月閩中弟子黃正元敬識於袁
1 vol.

Hs 3680
10 threadbound vols., 12.6 x 19.8 cm, in 2 cases.
juan 16-45 (juan 1-15 missing).
in text: 品花寶鑒
publication information missing.
[Hummel, p. 625: salacious novel about the life of boy actors in Peking]

Hs 3688
16 threadbound vols., 13.1 x 18.0 cm.
t.p.: 道光壬寅仲夏 ︱ 聊齋志異新評 ︱ 廣順但氏開雕
[date is 1842]
end of preface: 道光二十二年夏五月廣順雲湖但明倫識於兩淮
in text: 淄川蒲松齡留仙著 ︱ 新城王士正胎上評 ︱ 廣順但明倫新評

Hs 3690
8 threadbound vols., 13.7 x 20.6 cm, ill., in a case.
t.p.: 詳註聊齋誌異圖詠
reverse t.p.: 民國二年仲冬上海天寶書局複校印行
preface dated: 民國三年

Hs 3750
1 threadbound vol. 13.0 x 19.7 cm.
label: 信義會禮拜聖禮規條
colophon: 信義會規條
written on cover: Den norsk-lutherske kirkes ritual, oversatt til kinesisk av J. T. O. Gotteberg, K. L. Reichelt og Andr. Fleischer
two works bound together:

t.p.: 主曆壹千九百九年 ︱ 信義會禮拜規條 ︱ 中曆大清宣統元年 ︱ 長沙信義會刊
end of preface: 長沙信義會牧師戈德白序

t.p.: 主曆壹千九百九年 ︱ 信義會聖禮規條 ︱ 中曆大清宣統元年 ︱ 長沙信義會刊

Hs 3770
4 threadbound vols., 18.4 x 28.0 cm.
at page folds: 三合便覽
no publication information.
written on cover: "A handbook of the three languages Manchu, Mongol, and Chinese" (vide Möllendorfs Essay in Journal of China Branch of Royal Asia. Soc., vol. 24 p. 7.

Hs 3771
12 vols., 17.3 x 24.7 cm, in 2 cases.
at page folds: 三合便覽
written on cover: Manchu-Chinese-Mongolian (with Manchu transcription) dictionary.
written on case: Gave fra Bothner-Bye (A. Fonahn).
prefaces in Manchu.
[SOAS cat., 24: 208: Ilan hacin i gisun kamcibuha tuwara deja obuha bithe. Beijing 1780.]

Hs 3778
3 threadbound vols., 18.4 x 30.4 cm, ill.
t.p.: □□□□ ︱ 珍寶圖會 ︱ 一卷至二卷
[rectangular hole intentionally cut in t.p. where publisher's name or date might be.]
in text: 三才圖會 ︱ 雲間允明氏王思義續集
[M 1: 134.3]

Hs 3847
1 threadbound vol., 15.1 x 25.5 cm.
t.p.: 同治九年三月 ︱ 聖諭廣訓 ︱ 上海美華書館活字板
[date is 1870]
in text: 我聖祖仁皇帝
[Hummel, p. 329]
[note Hs 3874]

Hs 3872
1 threadbound vol., 19.2 x 29.1 cm, yellow silk covers, in a case.
t.p.: 聖祖仁皇帝庭訓格言
imprimatur: 雍正八年四月初一日御筆
[date is 1730]
at page folds: 庭訓格言

Hs 3872
1 threadbound vol. 19.2 x 29.1 cm, yellow silk covers in a case.
t.p.: 聖祖仁皇帝庭訓格言
at end of preface: 雍正八年四月初一日御筆
[date is 1730]
at page folds: 庭訓格言
[Jinbun p. 478: 清世宗憲皇帝御撰]
[Note I 5 and I 10]

Hs 3874
1 threadbound vol., 15.1 x 25.5 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 同治九年三月 ︱ 聖諭廣訓 ︱ 上海美華書館活字板
[date is 1870]
at end of preface: 雍正二年二月初二日
[date is 1724]
written on cover: Fr. Schjöth
[Hummel p. 329: by 康熙]
[note Hs 3847]

Hs 3918
4 threadbound vols., 15.8 x 26.4 cm, in wooden boards.
t.p.: 道光十六年冬鐫 ︱ 霧閣鄒梧岡纂輯 ︱ 新增詩經補註備旨詳解 ︱ 大文堂藏版 ︱
[date is 1836]
at end of preface: 乾隆癸未秋月霧閣鄒梧岡聖脈氏題於寄傲山房
in text: 霧閣鄒聖脈梧岡氏纂輯 ︱ 男廷猷可庭篇次
︱ 孫景揚克讓氏訂
written on cover of vol. 1: 30/1/13 F.S.

Hs 3920
4 threadbound vols., 16.6 x 26.3 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 詩經
reverse t.p.: 道光廿有六年邵州鄴氏刊於濾溪講院
[date is 1846]
at end of preface: 淳熙四年丁酉冬十月戊子新安朱熹序

Hs 4070
6 threadbound vols., 16.2 x 25.4 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 書經
reverse t.p.: 道光廿有六年邵州鄴氏刊於濾溪講院
[date is 1846]
at head of preface: 書經集解
at end of preface: 嘉定己巳三月既望武夷蔡沈序

Hs 4190
2 threadbound vols., 12.3 x 20.3 cm, wrapped in paper
t.p.: 主歷一九二二 ︱ 中華民國十一 ︱ 年初版 ︱ 信條學 ︱ 上下集 ︱ 中華信義會書報部發行
reverse t.p.: Christian Symbolics | by Rev. Erland Sihvonen | Lutheran Theological Seminary, Shekow, Hupeh | Part I-II | The Lutheran Board of Publication | 1923.
{dates sic.}
Modern-style colophon: 選譯者芬蘭喜渥恩 ︱ 記述者湘西何恆六于吉人 ︱ 發行者中華信義會書報部

Hs 4265
24 threadbound vols., 17.8 x 30.3 cm, in 3 sets of wooden boards.
Label on each vol.: 仿刊王本史記
t.p.: 王本史記
reverse t.p.: 同治九年楚北崇文書局重彫
[date is 1870]
Cartouche at end of table of contents: 震澤王氏□梓
Written on inside cover of vol. 1: A gift from 徐賡陸, Hsu Keng-lu, the Magistrate of Canton. Canton, Aug. 1881.
Presentation in Chinese pasted on inside front cover of vol. 1, with the added comment: The above note was addressed to the American Consul, Canton, and written by the Magistrate himself.

Hs 4270
8 threadbound vols., 13.5 x 20.4 cm, in a case.
On each cover: 欽定史記
t.p.: 史記百三十卷
reverse t.p.: 光緒乙巳年上海久敬齋石印
[date is 1905]
at end of preface: 乾隆十二年二月抈
[date is 1747]
at page folds: 乾隆四年校刊 ︱ 史記
[date is 1739]
in text: 司馬遷撰
in text: 裴駰集解
in text: 司馬貞索隱
in text: 張守節正義

Hs 4300
118 threadbound vols., 16.8 x 26.3 cm, in 12 sets of wooden boards.
At paper folds: 通鑒綱目
Incorrectly catalogued as: Ssu-ma Kuang: Tung chien kang mu.

vols. 1-90
t.p.: 朱子原本 ︱ 陳明鄉先生評定 ︱ 通鑒綱目
︱ 敬書堂藏板

vols. 91-117
t.p.: 朱子原本 ︱ 陳明鄉先生評定 ︱ 續編
︱ 敬書堂藏板
At head of text: 續資治通鑒綱目 ︱ 明史官陳仁錫評閱

vol. 118
t.p.: 五代史補編
At head of text: 資治通鑒綱目續編卷之末 ︱ 元四明陳檉拾遣 ︱ 明史官陳仁錫評閱

Hs 4309,6
2 threadbound vols., 13.3 x 20.1 cm, wrapped in paper.
modern-style colophon: 訂正 ︱ 新撰商業尺牘 ︱ … ︱ 庚戌年十一月初版 ︱ 中華民國十八年六月二十三版 ︱ … ︱ 編纂者杭縣徐珂 ︱ 發行兼印刷者上海…商務印書館 ︱ New commercial letter-writer | By Su Ko.
[dates are 1910 and 1929]

Hs 4320
6 threadbound vols., 12.4 x 20.1 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 精校本 ︱ 孫子
︱ 上海埽葉山房石印
At head of text: 孫子十家註
︱ … 孫星衍…吳人驥同校

Hs 4339
1 threadbound vol., 24.2 x 35.8 cm, in a loose cloth cover.
Printed on cover: Sun Yat-sen. Efterlatte manuskripter. Reproduksjon.
Label on cover page: 總理遺墨第一輯
Inlaid typescript, one page + 2 carbon copies, titled: Manuscript of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, First Edition.
[N.p., n.d.]

Hs 4350
1 threadbound vol., 24.1 x 34.8 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 總理奉安實錄
[Commemorative volume for the funeral of Sun Yat-sen. N.p., n.d.]

Hs 4360
1 threadbound vol., 10.1 x 14.7 cm, in a paper wrapper.
t.p.: 主降世一千九百二十年信義會出版 ︱ 頌主詩歌 ︱ 中華民國九年歲次庚申 ︱ 漢口聖教書局代印
at end of preface: 美國戴懷仁 ︱ 信陽劉祖賢 ︱ 編訂
written on cover: Luthersk Salmebok, tentativ utgave 1920 (Materialsamling).

Hs 4420
--- vols., 14.1 x 23.3 cm, in 121 cases.
no t.p.
label inside each case: 大清歷朝實錄 ︱ 大滿洲帝國國務院發行 ︱ 大日本東京大藏出版株式會社承印

Hs 4425
24 threadbound vols., 13.5 x 20.2 cm, in 2 paper packages.
t.p.: 遵旨重刊 ︱ 武英殿聚珍板 ︱ 欽定大清會典 ︱ 江南省通行
[n.d., 18xx]

Hs 4435
20 threadbound vols., 16.2 x 26.5 cm, in 3 cases.
t.p.: 道光廿二年新鐫 ︱ 山陰 姚雨薌纂輯 陸翰仙增修 ︱ 大清律例增修統纂集成
[date is 1842]

Hs 4440
33 threadbound vols., 17.9 x 29.7 cm, in 6 cases.
t.p.: 大清律例彙輯備覽 ︱ 光緒三年夏月京都內官板 ︱ 善成堂發兌
[date is 1877]

Hs 4450
fanfold book, 12.3 x 34.5 cm.
no t.p.
cartouche near beginning: 永樂十七年二月十三日
[date is 1419]
at head of text: 大方廣佛華嚴經卷第二十一 ︱ 于闐國三藏沙門實難陀譯
at end of colophon: 大明萬曆癸巳孟春吉旦
[date is 1593]
[facs.repr., n.p., n.d.]
written on back: Gave til Universitetsbiblioteket fra Oberst G. F. Diesen.
note by A. Fonahn, dated 26/10.23, pasted in.
[M 9: 713.2]

Hs 4452
fanfold book, 12.1 x 35 cm.
no t.p.
at head of text: 大般涅槃經卷第七 ︱
北涼天竺三藏曇無讖奉 詔譯
[n.p., n.d.]
[M5: 937.1]

Hs 4460
68 threadbound vols., 16.3 x 27.8 cm, in 13 cases.
Letter enclosed from Viscount T. Watanabe, The Association for the Publication of the Ku Chou Pien, Tokyo, dated 1 Dec. 1925, stamped received by UB, 17.6.26..
at page folds: 說文樓藏版

cases 1-10, 51 vols.
t.p.: 古籀篇
at end of preface: 大正七年歲在戊午春三月高田忠周試
[date is 1918]
[Takata Tadasuke]

case 11, 6 vols.
t.p.: 學古發凡
at end of preface: 大正八年歲在己未三月中□試於東京說文樓 竹內逸人高田忠周
[date is 1919]

case 12, 2 vols. of 4
no t.p.
at head of text: 古籀篇補遺 ︱ 東京高田忠周纂述

case 12, 2 vols. of 4
no t.p.
at head of text: 古籀篇隸文索引

case 13, 6 vols. of 7
no t.p.
at head of text: 古籀篇篆文索引

case 13, 1 vol. of 7
no t.p.
at head of text: 轉注假借說 ︱ 東京高田忠周述

modern-style colophon: 大正十四年八月十五日印刷 ︱ 著者 高田忠周 ︱ 發行所 古籀篇刊行會
[date is 1925]
Hs 4460
1 threadbound vol., 16.3 x 27.8 cm, not in a case or wrapper.
outer label: 蔡先生寄古籀篇建首撿字
first preface dated: 昭和二年丁卯三月
at end of second preface: 蔡廷幹啟
at page folds: 說文樓藏版

Hs 4475
2 threadbound vols., 10.4 17.2 cm, in a paper package.
label on each vol.: 中西時務危言
t.p.: 危言
reverse t.p.: 光緒二十四年上海書局校印
[date is 1898]
at end of preface: 大清光緒十有六年六月山陰湯震
[date is 1890]
at head of text: 山陰湯震蟄仙

Hs 4510
1 threadbound vol., 15.7 x 25.6 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: R.Q.W. ︱ 地球說略 ︱ 上海美華書館重刊 ︱ 1871
at end of preface: 耶穌降世一千八百五十六年 ︱ 合眾國士人褘理哲謹撰
3 pages of reading notes, in Gothic handwriting, laid in.

Hs 4523
1 threadbound vol., 11.8 x 18.4 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 耶穌降世一千八百六十九年 ︱ 新鑄銅版 ︱ 天道溯源 ︱ 同治八年 ︱ 蘇松上海美華書館藏板
[date is 1869]

Hs 4523a
1 threadbound vol., 12.8 x 19.9 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 耶穌降世一千八百九十七年 ︱ 中國聖教書會發
︱ 天道溯源 ︱ 官話 ︱ 光緒二十三年歲次丁酉 ︱ 上海文華書館擺印
[date is 1897]
at end of author's preface: 光緒十三年歲在丁亥夏至日美國丁韙良氏自識

Hs 4525
4 threadbound vols., 17.8 x 27.7 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 天童寺志
each vol. label: 光緒丁亥歲
[date is 1887]
written on cover of vol. 1: The history of the Tien Tung temple, Ningpo.

Hs 4598
2 threadbound vols., 15.0 x 22.5 cm, in a paper package. Incomplete.
vol. 1 label: 草字彙 ︱ 索引
other vol. label: 草字彙 ︱ 四畫
[characters with 4-stroke radicals.]
[moveable type repr., Japan?, 18xx?]

Hs 4607
4 threadbound vols. in a paper package.
t.p.: 玉田陳仲星著 ︱ 作文指南 ︱ 中華書局印行
modern-style colophon: 民國五年九月印刷 ︱ 著作者 玉田陳仲星 ︱ 發行者 桐鄉陸費逵 ︱ 總發行所 上海 中華書局

Hs 4610
1 threadbound vol., 17.0 x 26.5 cm, in a paper package.
no t.p.
on cover: 奏准天津新議通商條款
at head of transmission memorial: 咸豐十年九月十五日內閣奉上…
[date is 1860]

Hs 4620
2 threadbound vols., 15.8 26.1 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 霧閣鄒梧岡定 ︱ 之之人也 ︱ 新增幼學故事瓊林 ︱ 大地街 右文堂藏版 ︱ 校定隻字無訛
at end of preface: 嘉慶元年歲在丙辰仲□上浣霧閣鄒聖脈梧岡氏書於寄傲山房
[date is 1796]
at head of text: 寄傲山房塾課新增幼學故事瓊林
at page folds: 新增故事瓊林
Letter in Norwegian to Oslo Universitetsbibliotek enclosed.

Hs 4632
8 threadbound vols., 13.5 x 20.6 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 陽湖楊西河先生編輯 ︱ 杜詩鏡銓
reverse t.p.: 民國十年出版 ︱ 代售處上海棋盤街 掃葉山房 錦章書局
preface dated: 同治十一年壬申六月
[date is 1872]
at page folds: 毗陵章氏藏版

Hs 4650
16 threadbound vols. in two paper packages.
t.p.: 同治上海縣志二十二卷圖說一卷敘錄一卷
reverse t.p.: 同治歲次辛未刊于吳門臬署
[date is 1871]
at page folds: 上海縣志

Hs 4655
4 threadbound vols., 13.2 x 20.6 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 桐陰論畫
reverse t.p.: 同治三年太歲在甲子春三月開雕
[date is 1864]
at head of text: 梁溪秦祖永著
first preface dated: 同治五年歲次丙寅
[date is 1866]

Hs 4665
2 threadbound vols., 13.4 x 25.1 cm, in a paper package.
on covers: 繪圖字學良知 ︱ 佛山福祿大街英文堂藏板
t.p.: 光緒壬寅新鐫 ︱ 南海梁顯庭注南氏輯 ︱ 字學良知 ︱ 脩篁齋存板
[date is 1902]
written in pencil on covers: fra Konsul Hanft [?]

Hs 4668
2 threadbound vols., 10.2 x 15.5 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 增註字類標韻
reverse t.p.: 光緒二年丙子歲季春月校印
[date is 1876]
at head of text: 四明范多玨譜笙重訂

Hs 4680
4 threadbound vols., 13.1 x 19.8 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 繪圖蒙學捷徑
English t.p.: Illustrated Chinese primers | By Wang Hang T'ong | Shanghai: Printed at the Presbyterian Mission Press.
Modern-style colophon: 編輯者 餘姚王亨統 ︱ 發行所 美華書館
vol. 1, 10th ed. 1912; vol. 2, 11th ed., 1913; vol. 3, 11th ed. 1914; vol. 4, 10th ed. 1912.

Hs 4681
5 threadbound vols., 13.3 x 19.8 cm, in a paper package.
vols. 1-4, 5-6 [vol. 4 lacking]
Vol. 4 is Hs 272,2.

vol. 1 t.p.: 繪圖蒙學課本首集
reverse t.p.: Illustrated Chinese first reader (of a series of six) by Wang Hang T'ong. Rev. ed., Shanghai: Printed at the American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1913.
modern-style colophon: 光緒二十七年辛丑五月初版 ︱
民國二年癸丑三月十一版 ︱ 編輯者 餘姚王亨統 ︱ 發行所 美華書館
[dates are 1901, 1914]

vol. 2 t.p.: 繪圖蒙學課本貳集
reverse t.p.: Illustrated Chinese second reader (of a series of six) by Wang Hang T'ong. Rev. ed., Shanghai: Printed at the American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1911.
modern-style colophon: 光緒二十七年辛丑五月初版 ︱
宣統三年辛亥正月九版 ︱ 編輯者 餘姚王亨統 ︱ 發行所 美華書館
[dates are 1901, 1911]

vol. 3 t.p.: 繪圖蒙學課本參集
reverse t.p.: Illustrated Chinese third reader (of a series of six) by Wang Hang T'ong. Rev. ed., Shanghai: Printed at the American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1911.
modern-style colophon: 光緒二十八年壬寅五月初版 ︱ 宣統三年辛亥正月八版 ︱ 編輯者 餘姚王亨統 ︱ 發行所 美華書館
[dates are 1902, 1911]

vol. 5 t.p.: 繪圖蒙學課本伍集
reverse t.p.: Illustrated Chinese fifth reader (of a series of six) by Wang Hang T'ong. 1st ed., Shanghai: Printed at the American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1910.
modern-style colophon: 宣統二年庚戌十月初版 ︱ 編輯者 餘姚王亨統 ︱ 發行所 美華書館
[date is 1910]

vol. 6 t.p.: 繪圖蒙學課本陸集
reverse t.p.: Illustrated Chinese sixth reader, by Wang Hang T'ong. 1st ed., Shanghai: Printed at the American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1913.
modern-style colophon: 民國二年五月初版 ︱ 編輯者 餘姚王亨統 ︱ 發行所 美華書館

Hs 4690
8 threadbound vols., 12.7 x 19.9 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 蕭山汪煥曾先生原本 ︱ 史姓韻編
reverse t.p.: 光緒癸卯春月上海文瀾書局石印
[date is 1903]
at end of author's preface: 乾隆四十八年仲冬上澣蕭山汪輝祖煥曾氏書於吳興寓齋
[date is 1783]

Hs 4710
20 threadbound vols., 15.5 x 23.6 cm, in 4 cases.
t.p.: 乾隆丁未新鐫 ︱ 東吳王氏述 ︱ 十七史商榷 ︱ 洞涇艸堂藏版
[date is 1787]
in text: 東吳王鳴盛述
[probably original, not a late repr.]
letter and visiting card from Fredrik Schjöth to Prof. Hiortdahl, dated 22.11.03, enclosed.

Hs 4772
2 threadbound vols., 14.8 x 23.3 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 同治癸酉重刊 ︱ 三字經註解備要 ︱ 雲梯閣藏版
[date is 1873]
at head of text: 俊儀王應麟伯厚先生手著 ︱ 衛陽晚學賀興思先生註解 ︱ 岳門朗軒氏校正 ︱ 南海余廷霖重校

Hs 4820
8 threadbound vols., 11.4 x 16.8 cm, in a case.

6 vols.
t.p.: 聖歎先生批點 ︱ 吳吳山三婦合評西廂記 ︱ 增註第六才子書釋解 ︱ 續增 圍棋闖局 選句骰譜 ︱ 鄧汝寧音義 ︱ 金谷園藏板
at page folds: 第六才子書釋解
in text: 增補箋註繪像第六才子西廂釋解
[important title is 西廂記]

2 vols.
no t.p.
in text: 靜淨齋第八才子書花箋記
at page folds: 第八才子書
[important title is 花箋記]
visiting card of Kammerherre C. Morgenstierne enclosed.

Hs 4825
12 threadbound vols., 13.3 x 20.3 cm, in 2 cases.
label on each vol.: 王陽明先生全集 ︱ 中華圖書館影印
t.p.: 民國二年 ︱ 王文成公全書 ︱ 中華圖書館影印

Hs 4840
4 threadbound vols., 18.2 x 29.7 cm, in wooden boards.
t.p.: 同治三年歲在甲子孟冬月鐫 ︱ 萬國公法 ︱ 京都崇實館存板
[date is 1864]
English t.p.: Wheaton's International Law | translated into Chinese by W. A. P. Martin, D.D. of the American Presbyterian Mission; assisted by a commission appointed by Prince Kung | Published at Peking at the Expense of the Imperial government, 1864.
Written on title page: Fr. Schjödt, Shanghai 1868.
[Author is Henry Wheaton.]

Hs 4850
[same book as Hs 4851 - printed with the same blocks, but by a different printer.]
36 threadbound vols., 11.6 x 17.9 cm, in 4 cases.
[M 8: 1099.2]

cases 1-3, 31 vols.
t.p.: 吳大中丞鑒定 ︱ 綱鑒易知錄 ︱ 雙門底拾芥園藏板
at end of preface: 康熙五十年秋七月十五日山陰吳乘權楚才題於尺木堂
[date is 1711]
at head of text: 芸經樓綱鑒易知錄 ︱ 山陰 吳乘權楚才 周之炯靜專 周之燦星若 同輯

case 4, 5 vols.
t.p.: 吳大中丞鑒定 ︱ 山陰 吳乘權 周之炯 周之燦 同輯 ︱ 明鑒易知錄 ︱ 雙門底拾芥園藏板
preface dated: 康熙五十年仲夏
[date is 1711]
at head of text: 芸經樓明鑒易知錄 ︱ 上虞朱國標聖淮鈔 ︱ 山陰 吳乘權 周之炯 周之燦 同輯
[same as Hs 4851, same blocks, different printer.]

Hs 4851
[same book as Hs 4850 - printed with the same blocks, but by a different printer.]
36 threadbound vols., 11.2 x 17.4 cm, in 4 paper packages.

31 vols.
t.p.: 吳大中丞鑒定 ︱ 綱鑒易知錄 ︱ 天平街 文玉樓藏板
at end of preface: 康熙五十年秋七月十五日山陰吳乘權楚才題於尺木堂
[date is 1711]
at head of text: 芸經樓綱鑒易知錄 ︱ 山陰 吳乘權楚才 周之炯靜專 周之燦星若 同輯

5 vols.
t.p.: 吳大中丞鑒定 ︱ 山陰 吳乘權 周之炯 周之燦 同輯 ︱ 明鑒易知錄 ︱ 天平街 文玉樓藏板
preface dated: 康熙五十年仲夏
[date is 1711]
at head of text: 芸經樓明鑒易知錄 ︱ 上虞朱國標聖淮鈔 ︱ 山陰 吳乘權 周之炯 周之燦 同輯

Hs 4865
2 threadbound vols., 15.7 x 26.7 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 洪氏泉志校誤四卷 ︱ 觀自得齋刊本
in text: 泉志校誤 ︱ 彭城金 嘉采 邠
[written on t.p.: Wu Ta-wei: Hung shih Ch'üan chih chiao wu. [1880?]]

Hs 4870
8 threadbound vols., 17.6 x 27.2 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 五代史
reverse t.p.: 同治十一年湖北崇文書局重雕
[date is 1872]
in text: 徐無黨注
at page folds: 汲古閣
colophon: 歐陽修五代史記

Hs 4900
4 threadbound vols., 11.4 x 15.8 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 玉嬌梨 ︱ 袖珍第三才子書 ︱ 聚秀堂梓
at head of text: 新刻天花藏批評玉嬌梨 ︱ 荻岸散人編次
[Indiana, p. 491]

Hs 4920
5 threadbound vols., 13.8 x 25.0 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 新編繡像 ︱ 古今列女傳演義 ︱ 古吳三多齋梓
at head of text: 新鐫批評繡像列女演義 ︱ 東海猶龍子演義 ︱ 西湖鬚眉客評閱
at page folds: 列女演義 ︱ 長春閣藏板

Hs 4930
-- vols., 17.6 x 29.8 cm, in 8 cases.
t.p.: 欽定通鑒輯覽 ︱ 浙江書局重刊
labels: 御批通鑒
at page folds: 御批歷代通鑒輯覽
at end of preface: 乾隆丁亥秋月御筆 ︱ 同治十年正月浙江巡撫臣楊昌濬敬謹摹刊
[dates are 1767, 1871]
at end of transmission memorial: 乾隆三十三年正月初十日
[date is 1768]
[M 11: 56.3]

Hs 4940
140 threadbound vols., 15.5 x 24.1 cm, in 20 cases.
labels: 淵鑒類函
t.p.: 御定淵鑒類函奉旨刷印頒行 ︱ 板藏清吟堂
at end of preface: 康熙四十九年十月二十五日
[date is 1710]
at end of transmission memorial: 康熙四十年十二月十六日 ︱ 張英 王士禛 王掞 張榕端
[date is 1701]

Hs 4945
2 threadbound vols., 19 x 26.2 cm, in a paper package.
text in Chinese and Japanese.
on covers: 瓶史國字解
t.p.: 文化六年已秋開彫 ︱ 雲齋先生解 ︱ 諸先生合編 ︱ 宏道流插華圖 ︱ 附瓶史國字解 ︱ 東都書林 ︱ 千鍾房花說堂
[date is 1809]
at end of preface: 文化五年戊辰正月上元鵬齋陳人興題
[date is 1808]
at head of text: 雲齋桐谷鳥習 註解 ︱ 瓶史 ︱ 明 袁宏道中郎著 ︱ 日本 梨雲齋望義想校
[Morohashi 7: 1004: 明、袁宏道撰] [Dict. Ming Biog. p. 1637: originator of koodooryuu 宏道流 school of flower arrangement]

Hs 4948
32 vols., 17.2 x 27.6 cm, in 4 cases.
t.p.: 元史新編
reverse t.p.: 光緒乙巳仲春月邵陽魏慎微南刊
[date is 1905]
at end of first preface: 光緒三十一年秋七月邵陽魏光燾敘
at head of table of contents: 邵陽魏源重修
[Hummel, p. 851]

old picture postcard of 武英殿 enclosed.

Hs 4970
2 threadbound vols., 11.4 x 17.6 cm, in a paper package.
t.p.: 白下慵隱子箋釋 ︱ 詳註飲香尺牘
at end of preface: 乾隆五十二年歲在丁未仲夏月白下慵隱子題於飲虹書屋
[date is 1787]
at page folds: 詳註飲香
in text: 分類詳註飲香尺牘 ︱ 飲香居士原編 ︱ 白下慵隱子箋釋

Hs 5201
2 threadbound vols., 19.6 x 26.9 cm, in a case.
text in Chinese, text and colophon in Japanese.
no t.p.
on covers: 新鈔西清古鑒
at end of second preface: 明治二十五年五月 ︱ 東陽堂主人吾妻健識
[date is 1892]
modern-style colophon: 大正四年五月廿五日印刷 ︱ 大正四年五月三十日發行 ︱ 著者 大津久太郎 ︱ 發行兼印刷者 合資會社東陽堂
[date is 1915]
[Hummel p. 503: comp. by 梁詩正, 1697-1763]

I 2
1 threadbound vol., 13.9 x 22.4 cm, badly rebound, in boards.
t.p.: 太史戴鈞元書 ︱ 千字文篆法 ︱ 省城五桂堂接刻
written on t.p.: Ningpo 1903.
[Hommel p. 932: 戴均元, 1746-1840]

I 3
5 threadbound vols., 19 x 31 cm, in a paper package.
no t.p.
on covers: 洪武正韻
at end of preface: 皇朝崇禎戊辰紀元後三庚寅予即阼四十六年端陽月丁酉日飲涕以識 ︱ 臣啟禧奉
[date is 1628]
at end of colophon: 嘉靖二十七年戊申歲仲春吉 ︱ 衡王謹題
[date is 1548]
at end of book: 上之二十八年壬申因 筳臣建白命校書館翻刻
[Jinbun p. 146: 明宋濂等奉敕撰 明楊時偉補牋 崇禎四年刊本] [date is 1631]

I 4
10 fanfold vols., 12.9 x 34.1 cm.
no t.p.
on covers: 慈悲道場懺法
at end of preface: 至元四年歲在戊寅如來聖制日杭城妙覺智松柏庭謹序

I 5
2 threadbound vols., 19.2 x 29.5 cm, in a case.
entirely in Manchu.
labelled: 庭訓格言
labelled: [Sheng yü] Booi tacihiyan i ten i gisun.
[Jinbun p. 478: 聖祖仁皇帝庭訓格言... 清世宗憲皇帝御撰]
Note Hs 3872

I 6
48 vols., 19 x 28.4 cm, in 8 cases.
text in Manchu with some Chinese glosses.
no Chinese or Manchu t.p.
written on first case: 清文鑑 ︱ "Mirror of Manchu"
[Hommel p. 281: by 和素, 1652-1718, publ. 1708]

I 7
36 threadbound vols., 19.3 x 31 cm, in 6 cases.
entirely in Manchu.
no t.p.
written on first page: 御製古文淵鑒
labelled: Ge wen yurvan bithe.
labelled: Published 1686.
on cases: 經義堂
[Hummel p. 311: comp. by 徐乾學, publ. 1685]

I 8
16 threadbound vols., 15.8 x 27.1 cm, in 4 cases.
Chinese and Manchu text.
no t.p.
at head of text: 古文
at end of preface: 咸豐元年歲次辛亥孟夏 ︱ 定軒孟保謹識
[date is 1851]
labelled: Fan i ku wen | Julgei s&u fiyelen.

I 9
12 threadbound vols., 16.2 x 26.9 cm, in a case.
Manchu and Chinese text.
t.p.: 清文彙書 ︱ 京都隆褔寺胡同三槐書坊發行
at end of preface: 端陽日京都李延基序
[Jinbun p. 143: 清李延基撰]

I 10 [1]
8 threadbound vols., 15.1 x 24 cm, in a case.
Manchu and Chinese text.
no t.p.
at head of text: 清文補彙
colophon: 清文補彙宜桂圃先生所著述也....嘉慶歲次壬戌仲春婿法克精額謹跋
[date is 1802]
[SOAS: Manju gisun be niyeceme bithe, comp. by 〔清〕宜興]
Note Hs 3872

I 10 [2]
8 threadbound vols., 15.9 x 26.1 cm, in a case.
Chinese and Manchu text.
no t.p.
at head of text: 清文補彙
at end of preface: 乾隆五十一年歲次丙午孟秋宗室宜興序
colophon: 清文補彙宜桂圃先生所著述也....嘉慶歲次壬戌仲春婿法克精額謹跋

I 11
8 threadbound vols., 18.6 x 30.4 cm, in a paper package.
interlinear Manchu and Chinese text.
on each vol.: 御製繙譯四書
t.p.: 御製滿漢四書
at head of first preface: 御製繙譯四書
at end of first preface: 乾隆二十年十二月十四日
[date is 1755]
at head of second preface: 御製滿漢四書
at end of second preface: 光緒四年四月吉日 ︱ 板存於成都駐防八旗官學
[date is 1878]
labelled: Duin bithe.

1 vol.
at head of text: 大學

2 vols.
at head of text: 論語

1 vol.
at head of text: 中庸

4 vols.
at head of text: 孟子

I 12
6 threadbound vols., 15.7 x 27.8 cm, in a paper package.
interlinear Manchu and Chinese text.
t.p.: 光緒庚寅仲秋重鐫 ︱ 御製繙譯四書 ︱ 板存荊州駐防繙譯總學
[date is 1890]
at end of first preface: 乾隆二十年十二月十四日
[date is 1755]
at head of second preface: 重刊繙譯四書
at end of second preface: 大清光緒十六年歲次庚寅 ︱ 仲秋榖旦 ︱ 宗室祥亨識
[date is 1890]
labelled: Duin bithe.
labelled: fra Mr. Lyall.

1 vol.
includes: 大學、中庸

2 vols.
at head of text: 論語

3 vols.
at head of text: 孟子

I 13
4 threadbound vols., 16.9 x 27 cm, in a case.
in Manchu with interlinear Chinese.
no t.p.
at head of preface: 書集傳序
at page folds: 書經
written on case: Dasan i noman.

I 14
20 threadbound vols., 15.6 x 26.5 cm, in 4 cases.
Manchu and Chinese.
t.p.: 道光元年冬鐫 ︱ 清漢文海 ︱ 本衙藏板
[date is 1821]
at end of first preface: 道光元年歲次辛巳 ︱ 玉亭伯麟
at end of second preface: 道光二年九月中澣 ︱ 湘浦松筠敬撰
[date is 1822]
at end of third preface: 〔男〕普恭謹記
after third preface: 江南駐防 ︱ 圖瓦阿 ︱ 伍郎阿 ︱ 倭什鑑額 ︱ 奎光 ︱ 校刊
at head of text: 吉林瓜爾佳巴尼琿 ︱ 男 ︱ 普恭較訂
[Hummel pp. 691-2: 松筠, 1752-1835]

I 15
4 threadbound vols., 15.3 x 23 cm, in a case.
Manchu and Chinese text.
t.p.: 清文指要 ︱ 嘉慶十四年夏重刻 ︱ 三槐堂藏板
[date is 1809]

I 16
4 threadbound vols., 15.1 x 25.5 cm, in a case.
Manchu text with interlinear Chinese glosses.
on case: 清文百條
written on case: Tanggo mergen.

I 17
4 threadbound vols., 15.8 x 25 cm, in a case.
Manchu and Chinese text.
t.p.: 繙譯六事箴言 ︱ 聚星堂藏板
at end of first preface: 咸豐元年孟冬上澣 ︱ 定軒孟保謹識
[date is 1851]
at end of second preface: 嘉慶二十年歲次乙亥仲夏 ︱ 關中王鼎書於豫章試院
[date is 1815]
in enclosed note: Ninggun baita targacun sisuro bithe.

I 18
6 threadbound vols., 15.5 x 24.3 cm, in a case.
Manchu and Chinese text.
t.p.: 初學必讀 ︱ 京都隆褔寺東口內路南聚珍堂梓行
reverse t.p.: 光緒十六年八月新鐫
[date is 1890]
written on t.p.: Tuktan tacire urse urunako holaci acara bithe.

I 19
4 threadbound vols., 15 x 24.4 cm, in a case.
Manchu and Chinese text.
4 separate works with no common title.

t.p.: 衙署名目 ︱ 京都流璃廠東口內路南名德堂梓行
reverse t.p.: 光緒十七年三月新鐫
[date is 1891]

t.p.: 官銜名目 ︱ 京都流璃廠東口內路南名德堂梓行
reverse t.p.: 光緒十七年四月新鐫

t.p.: 公文成語 ︱ 京都流璃廠東口內路南名德堂梓行
reverse t.p.: 光緒十七年六月新鐫

t.p.: 摺奏成語 ︱ 京都流璃廠東口內路南名德堂梓行
reverse t.p.: 光緒十七年臘月新鐫
written on cover: This volume translated: July-Aug. 1927.

I 20
4 threadbound vols., 15.1 x 23.6 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 清文啟蒙 ︱ 三槐堂梓行
on case: 滿漢字清文啟蒙
at end of preface: 雍正庚戌孟春之朔日 ︱ 作忠堂主人 ︱ 程明遠題
[date is 1730]
at head of text: 滿漢字清文啟蒙 ︱ 長白 舞格 壽平 著述 ︱ 錢塘 程明遠 佩和 校梓

I 21
1 threadbound vol., 13.7 x 20.4 cm, in an envelope.
t.p.: 御註 ︱ 繪圖孝經 ︱ 新增繪圖二十四孝
modern-style colophon: 光緒三十三年五月出版 ︱ 逐句繪圖御註孝經 ︱ 附繪二十四孝全圖 ︱ 繪圖者 元和劉甘臣 ︱ 總發行者 浙紹奎照樓 ︱ 發行所 上海 廣益書局
[date is 1907]

I 23
4 threadbound vols., 13 x 18.5 cm, in a case.
Chinese and Manchu text.
t.p.: 光緒四年新刊 ︱ 清文典要 ︱ 文淵堂藏板
[date is 1878]

I 25
Manuscript, 5 threadbound vols., 18.4 x 28 cm, in a paper package.
Word list in Manchu and Chinese, with no running text. No title page or other bibliographic data of any kind.
Written on each cover: A Chinese and Manchu vocabulary (in manuscript).
Vols. I - V. Radicals 10-94.
Labelled: Ch'ing-Han yen-yü. 1902. [presumably 清漢言語]

I 26
5 threadbound vols., 17.7 x 26.6 cm, in a case.
Entirely in Manchu.
Written on cover of vol. 1: "The little learning" (handbook for the young). Vide Chinese version: 6 volumes: 朱子小學集註白話解
Written on each vol.: 小學.
Written on case: 殿板 ︱ 小學纂註.
Labelled: Chu Hsi: Ajige taciku bithe.

I 27
6 threadbound vols., 15.6 x 24 cm, in a case.
Text in Manchu with interlinear Chinese glosses.
At page folds: 朱子節要.
Written on cover of vol. 5: Translated: ch. 11: 教人之法.

I 28
4 threadbound vols., 16 x 23.5 cm, in a paper package.
No t.p.
On covers of vols. 1-3: 繙譯醒世要言.
On cover of vol. 4: 滿漢合壁四十條.
In Manchu with interlinear Chinese glosses.
Written on cover of vol. 1: "An important tract to arouse the age." (pubd 1867.)
Written in pencil on cover of vol. 2: Finished 30/12/24.
[Wylie p. 241: by Rosewell Hobart Graves 紀好弼, Canton 1859]

I 29
1 threadbound vol. 15.6 x 27.3 cm, in cardboard boards.
no t.p.
at head of preface: 繙譯忠孝二經
at end of preface: 咸豐元年三月 | 定軒孟保謹識
[date is 1851]
two works bound together.
at page folds of first work: 忠經
at page folds of second work: 孝經

I 30
1 threadbound vol., 15.6 x 23.6 cm, in cardboard boards.
interlinear Chinese and Manchu text.
t.p.: 京都隆褔寺路南 | 鏡古堂書坊梓行 | 清文接字
at head of text: 清文接字 | 嵩洛峰先生著
at end of preface: 同治五年歲次丙寅 ....
[date is 1866]

I 31
1 threadbound vol., 15.2 x 24.7 cm, in cardboard boards.
Chinese with some Manchu glosses.
t.p.: 欽遵字典 | 咸豐庚申秋月新鐫 | 欽定正音切韻指掌 | 長白莎彝尊輯
[date is 1860]
at beginning of first preface: 吾友莎秬香為粵東知名士 ....
at end of second preface: 梁次楠書於羊城豹隱之居
at page folds: 正音指掌 | 麈談軒
written in pencil on cover: Manju gusai sagi hala isun ni deribure arafi.

I 32
2 threadbound vols., 16.7 x 27.5 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 宣統巳酉年刻 | 重刻清文虛字指南編 | 京都隆褔寺鏡古堂書坊梓行
[date is 1909]
at page folds: 指南編 | 鏡古堂
at end of first preface: 光緒十年甲申陽月朔 | 厚田萬褔謹識
[date is 1884]
at end of second preface: 光緒二十年孟春之月漢軍鳳山序
[date is 1894]

I 32a
manuscript in 3 vols. by F. Schjöth.
On cover: Grammar Manchu-Chinese (translation). 清文虛字指南編

I 33
1 threadbound vol., 23 x 31 cm, in cardboard boards.
Text in Manchu with interlinear Chinese translation.
at end of preface: 順治十二年正月榖旦書
at head of text: 御製勸善要言
on cover: 勸善要言
written on cover: An important edition of “勸善要言”, "Important exhortations to the good." (12th year of Shun-chih, A.D. 1655.) Note: a reprinted Chinese version published by Li Hung-chang & others, 17th yr of Kuang Hsu (1891). Note: Translated into English, year 1915. (by Schjöth).
[SOAS: Han i arafa sain be huwekiyebure oyonggo gisun]
[Hummel p. 259: by 褔臨, i.e. the 順治 Emperor, 1644-1661]

I 34
manuscript, 1 threadbound vol., 12.7 x 24.3 cm, in cardboard boards.
no t.p. or other bibliographical data.
Written on cover: F. Schjöth, Isl. of Hainan, Decr 1882. .... (Presented to me by the prefect of Hainan, Kuei Chüan 貴全.)
labelled: Ch'ing wen tzu t'ou. [presumably 清文字頭]

I 34a
manuscript, 1 threadbound vol., 21.2 x 29.2 cm, in cardboard boards.
t.p.: 大清滿洲字母
at end of text: 余德稅務司大人惠存 | 大清吏部文選司筆帖式何希賢
glosses in pencil at end of text:
余德 Mr. Schjöth
稅務司 Commr of Customs
大人 his excellency
惠存 benevolently keep
大清 The Great Manchu
吏部 the Board of civil office
筆帖式 Manchu clerk in the public office in Peking
labelled: Ch'ing wen tzu* t'ou. [presumably 清文字頭]
written on cover: "A list of the syllables in the Manchu language", presented to Mr. Schjöth, by Ho-hsi-hsien, a mandarin in the Board of the Civil Office, Peking. (Recd 9 Octbr., 1926.)

I 35
2 threadbound vols., 15.4 x 24.9 cm, in a cardboard folder.
t.p.: 滿漢合壁三字經註解 | 惟德氏陶格敬譯京都三槐堂梓行
interlinear Chinese and Manchu text.
written on cover of vol. 1: Wang Pai-hou ... Manju nikan hergan i mamcime suhe ....

I 36
1 threadbound vol., 20.2 x 28.7 cm, in a cardboard folder.
t.p.: 地理問答 ︱ 耶穌降世一千八百六十五年 ︱ 童子入館受教以此聞其聰明 ︱ 1865
[Wylie p. 261: by Ira Miller Condit, Canton 1865]

I 61
1 threadbound vol., 15.3 x 22.6 cm.
text entirely in Miao script (?)
t.p.: 救主耶穌降世一千九百十二年 ︱ 馬太褔音 ︱ 中華民國元年歲次壬子 ︱ 大英聖書公會印發
reverse t.p.: Hwa miao ︱ Matthew ︱ First edition ︱ Shanghai ︱ British & Foreign Bible Society ︱ 1912
Ex libris: Hans Reusch.
stamped on t.p.: British & Foreign Bible Society ︱ Yunnan-fu.
written on t.p.: Ved E. Amundsen.

I 63
1 threadbound vol., 15.1 x 25 cm, in cardboard boards.
t.p.: 咸豐四年 ︱ 番自耶穌降世至今一千八百五十四年 ︱ 華番和合通書 ︱ 真神已造成雨大光乃日月也日光者理於晝月光者理於夜而亦造星者也
[date is 1854]
at page folds: 日月刻度通書
3 letters in Norwegian enclosed, all dated 1857.
[Wylie p. 110]

I 64
1 threadbound vol., ca. 13.5 x 22 cm, in a folder.
in very bad condition, containing parts of juan 4 - 6.
at page folds: 孟子
at head of juan 6: 朱熹集註

I 65
1 threadbound vol., 13.6 x 25 cm, in an envelope.
t.p.: 耶穌臨時一群神使頌曰榮歸與神至上 ︱ 問答淺註耶穌教法 ︱ 太平于地及人恩意矣
written on cover: A catechism in the manner of the Shorter Catechism of the Church of Scotland. Canton, China, 1813.
[Wylie p. 4: by Robert Morrison 馬禮遜, Canton 1812]

I 66
4 threadbound vols., 14.6 x 25.5 cm, in cardboard boards.
t.p.: 新唯識論
preface dated: 中華民國三十六年十月朔
at head of text: 黃岡熊十力造
at page folds: 十力叢書
the vols. are: 上、中、下之一、下之二

I 67
1 fanfold vol., 14 x 26.8 cm, white on black.
on cover: 成親王群仙高會賦小揩帖
at head of text: 群仙高會賦 ︱ 洞賓撰
at end of text: 嘉慶丁卯六月 ︱ 成親〔王〕
[date is 1807]

I 68
1 fanfold vol., 14.2 x 29.6 cm, white on black.
at head of text: 東嶽大帝回生寶訓
at end of text: 東官陳壎敬書於小蓬仙館

I 69
1 fanfold vol., 13.9 x 29.7 cm, white on black.
at head of text: 紫府仙君授功過格條款
at end of text: 聖明 ︱ 四十九非子盥手敬錄於聞妙香室

I 70
1 fanfold vol., 15.4 x 28.7 cm, white on black.
probably a mounted stone rubbing.
at head of text: 金剛般若波羅蜜經 ︱ 姚秦三藏法師鳩摩羅什譯
at end of text: 壬辰四月八日奉佛弟子文徵明敬書
at end of first colophon: 乾隆已亥仲夏廿日雲坡胡季堂識
[date is 1755]
at end of second colophon: 已亥夏月韓城王杰跋

I 71
1 threadbound vol., 15.7 x 27.3 cm, with direct rubbings of coins.
on cover: 古泉榻本 ︱ 有序
first t.p.: 光緒辛卯季冬 ︱ 雲炬過眼錄 ︱ 趙時棡
[date is 1891]
second t.p.: 光緒壬辰孟春 ︱ 公韍氏金石踏
[date is 1892]
third t.p.: 壬辰孟夏 ︱ 黃虞外史榻本
fourth t.p.: 公韍氏金石榻本 ︱ 壬辰四月
at some page folds: 古金圖
at some page folds: 古玉圖

I 72
2 threadbound vols., 15.6 x 27.2 cm, in a paper package.
no t.p.
on cover: 太原公韍父金石榻本 ︱ 壬辰仲夏
at page folds: 四明公韍氏摹
at some page folds: 古金圖
at some page folds: 過眼錄
written on cover: Rubbings of ancient coins (1892).

I 73
1 threadbound vol., 13.4 x 20.3 cm, in an envelope.
incomplete, includes only 上卷
t.p.: 學書一隅 ︱ 注音字母書報社印行
reverse t.p.: 大中華民國七年六月注音字母書報社印行
at head of text: 北京高等師范學校 ︱ 學監主任陳恩榮輯 ︱ 國語教習王璞校
this vol. entirely in Chinese characters.

I 74
1 fanfold vol., 15.9 x 27.1 cm, with pasted-in rubbings of coins.
on cover: 墨影留看 ︱ 囗囗山人清賞
written on cover: 1892.

I 75
1 fanfold vol., 15.3 x 26.9 cm, with pasted-in rubbings.
on cover: 金石文字 ︱ 囗囗山人榻本
written on cover: 1892.

I 79
4 threadbound vols., 15.9 x 27.5 cm, in wooden boards.
t.p.: 光緒二十年新鐫 ︱ 荊州萬城隄續志 ︱ 本衙藏板
[date is 1894]
at end of preface: 光緒甲午年孟夏長白舒惠自序
[date is 1894]
enclosure: sheet, 130 x 27 cm, with Chinese manuscript. At end of text: 光緒甲午季夏長白舒惠識

I 82
3 threadbound vols., 14.3 x 23.6 cm, in a paper package.
on covers: 太醫院
t.p.: 羅必煒先生參訂 ︱ 增補珍珠曩藥性全書 ︱ 本局藏板
at page folds: 醫方藥性
at head of text: 鳧山曉星樵人 ︱ 太醫院 ︱ 羅必煒參訂 ︱ 閩書林楊能儒梓行
written on covers: Gave fra missionslæge Jørgen Nilssen, febr. 1911. A. Fonahn.

I 95
1 threadbound vol., 15.7 x 24.1 cm + 2 threadbound vols., 13.3 x 18.8 cm, in an envelope + 1 threadbound vol., 12.9 x 17.8 cm, in an envelope, all in cardboard boards.
written on last vol.: NB: Manuscript copy written by my old teacher Liu Hsiu-f轳g (1869). F.S.
at head of text: 乘槎筆記 ︱ 三品銜總理衙門副總辦 ︱ 斌椿
[Jinbun p. 368: 清斌椿撰]

I 111
4 threadbound vols., 12.7 x 18.8 cm, in an envelope in cardboard boards.
no t.p.
at head of text: 歷代磁器普
on cover: 磁器普

I 112
2 threadbound vols., 13.9 x 20.8 cm, in an envelope in cardboard boards.
manuscript copies of letters..
on covers: 文件
written on cover: Despatches regarding the establishment of the Imperial Chinese Customs Service.
first letter dated: 咸豐拾壹年貳月貳拾捌日 [1861]
last letter dated: 同治六年十二月初六日 [1873]
additional document bound in, dated: 道光十九年二月 [1839]

I 113
4 threadbound vols., 15.2 x 25.2 cm, in cardboard boards.
t.p.: 通商文牘
written on cover: Correspondence between Prince Kung and the Inspectorate General of Customs. 1861.
first letter dated: 咸豐十年十二月十一 日 [1861]
last letter dated: 同治三年正月二十九日 [1864]

I 115
2 threadbound vols., 11.3 x 19.2 cm, in a paper package in cardboard boards.
manuscript with direct rubbings of coins. Very little text.
on cover of vol. 1: 小金石室泉圖 ︱ 第壹冊
on cover of vol. 2: 小金石室泉神 ︱ 第貳冊

I 116
1 threadbound vol., 15.5 x 22.2 cm, in an envelope in cardboard boards.
on cover: 貨布文字考 ︱ 第全冊
at head of text: 囗亭馬昂伯昂考釋 ︱ 金山錢培益囗囗校刊
[Jinbun p. 441: 清馬昂撰...道光金山錢氏刊本] [1821-50]

I 118
2 threadbound vols., 17 x 23.6 cm, in cardboard boards.

1 vol.
t.p.: 歙鮑康子年著 ︱ 觀古閣泉說 ︱ 嘉興後學高煥文錄 ︱ 光緒丁亥夏日手抄
[date is 1887]
[Jinbun p. 441: 清鮑康撰]

1 vol.
no t.p.
at head of text: 觀古閣叢稿 ︱ 歙鮑康子年著
[presumably copied at the same time as the first, same type of paper and binding.]
[Jinbun p. 789: 清鮑康撰]

I 119
2 threadbound vols., 15.4 x 23.9 cm, in cardboard boards.
at head of text: 古泉僅見錄

I 120
2 threadbound vols., 15.4 x 24 cm, in cardboard boards.
at head of text: 泉志 ︱ 宋洪遵撰張海囗囗囗
on covers: 洪氏泉志
[Jinbun p. 441] [Hummel pp. 36-37: 張海鵬, 1755-1816]

I 121
1 threadbound vol., 15.6 x 23.2 cm, in cardboard boards.
no t.p.
at head of text: 續泉志 ︱ 平原陸虎岑譔
colophon dated: 光緒丙戌八月初吉囗伯誌
[date is 1886]

I 162
4 threadbound vols., 16.2 x 25.3 cm, in a case.
t.p. 甲戌仲秋 ︱ 西域記 ︱ 味經堂梓
[date could be 1850 or 1910]
at end of first preface: 嘉慶十九年仲秋既望武寧盧浙容菴氏
[date is 1814]
at end of original preface: 乾隆四十二年歲次丁酉十二月十有九日椿園七十一序
[[date is 1777]
at head of text: 長白七十一椿園著 ︱ 武寧盧浙容菴參訂 ︱ 安福阮燦升甫同校
[M10: 280.4, 3: 425.2]

I 177
25 threadbound vols., 19.1 x 26.4 cm.
t.p.: 八尾版校正 ︱ 明治十三年第四月三刻 ︱ 史記評林 ︱ 浪華 ︱ 五書房合梓
at page folds: 八尾友春
at end of first preface: 吳郡王世貞撰
at end of second preface: 萬曆四年丙子冬十二月朔歸安茅坤書
at head of text: 吳興凌稚隆輯校 ︱ 溫陵李光縉增補
modern-style colophon: 明治十二年十二月十九日出版御屆 ︱ 同十三年四月三刻出版 ︱ 出版人 大阪府平
民 豐田宇左衛門 大野木市兵衛 前川善兵
衛 柳原喜兵衛 松村九兵衛
[dates are 1879, 1880]
[written on first page: Osaka 1880.]
[M 2: 762.2-3]

I 210
4 threadbound vols., 15.1 x 27.3 cm.
t.p.: 國立北平圖書館方志目錄
reverse t.p.: 民國二十二年五月國立北平圖書館印行
at page folds: 方志目錄

I 212
8 threadbound vols., 13.4 x 20.4 cm, in a case. Incomplete.
t.p.: 增評全圖足本金玉緣
reverse t.p.: 光緒戊申九月求不負齋印行
[date is 1908]
at head of text: 增評補像全圖金玉緣
[Hong lou meng]
[M 11: 453.2, 8: 954.3; Hummel, p. 738]

I 213
1 threadbound vol., 12.5 x 22.8 cm.
label on cover: 中國劇之變遷 ︱ 齊如山著
t.p.: 齊如山劇學叢書之二 ︱ 中國劇之變遷
at page folds: 戲劇之變遷
at end of first preface: 齊如山 一九、一二、八

I 225
64 threadbound vols., 13.4 x 20.1 cm, in 8 cases.
t.p.: 皇清經解
reverse t.p.: 光緒十三年歲在丁亥上海書局石印
[date is 1887]
at page folds: 丁亥石印
[date is 1888]
[dates sic]
at end of first preface: 光緒十四年歲次戊子四月下浣朱鏡清譔并書
[ZGCS 1: 603 does not list this ed.]

I 226
32 threadbound vols., 13.1 x 19.8 cm, in 4 cases.
t.p.: 皇清經解續編
reverse t.p.: 光緒已丑仲夏上海蜚英館石印
[date is 1889]
at end of first preface: 光緒十有五年夏五月 ︱ 蜚英館主人譔并書
[date is 1889]

I 236
6 threadbound vols., badly cut by modern bookbinder, 10.1 x 13.7 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 忠孝節義全傳 ︱ 繡像二度梅 ︱ 咸豐丁巳新刻 ︱ 省城五桂堂藏板
[date is 1857]
at head of table of contents: 新註二度梅 ︱ 陰堂主人編輯 ︱ 繡堯堂主人訂閱
at head of text: 新註二度梅奇說全集
at head of juan 2: 忠孝節義二度梅全傳

I 239
16 threadbound vols., 15.9 x 26.9 cm, in 2 cases.
t.p.: 合校水經注
reverse t.p.: 光緒壬辰□□秋思賢講舍刊
[date is 1892]
at head of text: 水經注 ︱ 長沙王氏校本 ︱ 後魏酈道元僎
supplement, 2 juan, at end: 水經注附錄 ︱ 長沙王氏校本 ︱ 仁和趙一清誠夫錄
[ZGCS 577a]

I 245
20 threadbound vols., 13.7 x 20.7 cm, in 2 cases
t.p.: 章太炎先生所著書 ︱ 甲子六月
reverse t.p.: 上海古書流通處印
at page folds: 章氏叢書
in text: 餘杭章炳麟太炎著
modern-style colophon: 中華民國十三年八月出版 ︱ 章太炎先生所著書 ︱ 著作者 章太炎 ︱ 發行所 上海古書流通處 杭州問經堂書莊
[ZGCS; Jinbun, p. 629]

I 255
4 threadbound vols., 15.9 x 27.2 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 光緒庚辰六月 ︱ 陶淵明集
[date is 1880]
printed label on each vol.: 陶淵明全集

I 256
32 threadbound vols., 15.7 x 24.1 cm, in wooden boards.
t.p.信安徐雲林先生輯 ︱ 玉芝堂談薈 ︱ 蒨園藏板
at page folds: 談薈
preface (後跋) dated: 光緒紀元歲在乙亥春王正月
[date is 1875]
at head of text: 姑蔑徐應秋君義父輯

I 317
13 threadbound vols., 18 x 29.1 cm.
labelled vols. 2-14.
at head of text in vol. 2: 元史類編 ︱ 仁和邵遠平戒山學 ︱ 南沙席世臣郢客氏校刊
at page folds: 掃葉山房
[Jinbun p. 196: 清邵遠平撰 乾隆六十年南沙席氏掃葉山房刊本] [1795]

I 336
28 threadbound vols., 16.1 x 26.4 cm.
t.p.: 司馬溫公原本 ︱ 御批歷史資治通鑒 ︱ 趙田袁了凡先生輯補
reverse t.p.: 光緒甲辰年酉記書局刊
[date is 1904]
at end of preface: 萬曆三十四年丙午夏四月 ︱
[date is 1606]
at head of text:
鼎鍥趙田了凡袁先生編纂古本歷史大方綱鑒補 ︱ 宋 京兆 劉恕 外紀 ︱ 蘭谿 金履祥 前編 ︱ 明 趙田 袁黃 編纂 ︱ 潭陽 余象斗 刊行
at page folds: 了凡綱鑒補
at end of juan 1: 大方了凡綱鑒補
On enclosed card: Giver Missionslæge Dr. Jørgen Nielsen, Hunan, 1911.

I 337
24 threadbound vols., 15.7 x 26.0 cm.
t.p.: 海國圖志壹百卷
reverse t.p.: 光緒六年邵陽急當務齋新鐫
[date is 1880]
at end of original preface (原敘): 道光二十有二載歲在壬寅嘉平月內閣中書邵陽魏源敘于揚州 ︱ 原刻六十卷 道光二十七載刻於揚州 咸豐二年重補
[dates are 1842, 1847, 1852]
at end of later preface (後敘): 咸豐二年邵陽魏源敘於高郵州
[Hummel, p. 851]

I 347
19 threadbound vols., 10 x 16.5 cm.
t.p.: 衛藏通志
reverse t.p.: 光緒丙申用寫本漸西村舍
[date is 1896]
last preface dated: 光緒二十有一年龍集乙未冬十月吉日
[date is 1896]
[Jinbun p. 309: 清和琳撰 漸西舍彙 刻所收]

I 357
4 threadbound vols., 16.9 x 25.3 cm, ill., in wooden boards.
in text: 西藏圖考 ︱ 楚南黃沛翹壽菩甫手輯 ︱ 滇南李培
榮華廷甫付梓 ︱ 河間李文江蓉航 楚南李宏年壽廷 甫同校
end of prefaces: 光緒十有二年歲在丙戌嘉平月既望
[date is 1886]
[ZGCS 561b]

I 358
another copy of Hs 2595

I 359
8 threadbound vols., 15.5 x 27.8 cm.
t.p.: 松潘縣志
reverse t.p.: 民國甲子年孟春月新刊
[date is 1924]

I 360
4 threadbound vols., 15.6 x 24.6 cm.
t.p. lacking.
at head of text: 歲時廣記 ︱ 廣寒倦裔陳元靚編
[n.p., n.d.]
[ZGCS 504a]

I 361
10 threadbound vols., 15.3 x 23.8 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 第一善本 ︱ 光緒庚辰重鐫 ︱ 鍼灸大成 ︱ 校經山房藏版
[date is 1880]
at end of first preface (趙序): 萬曆辛丑巡按山西監察御史燕趙含章趙文炳書
[date is 1601]
at end of second preface (前重修序): 順治丁酉秋月吉旦 ︱ 關東李月桂撰
[date is 1657]
at head of table of contents: 會稽章廷珪重修 ︱ 臨汾鄭維綱 長洲歸天鎔 校讎 ︱ 翼城李本修督刊
label in case: Ex libris Hans Reusch.

I 365
8 threadbound vols., 17.9 x 29.5 cm, in a case.
t.p.: 西夏紀事本末
[date is 1884]
reverse t.p.: 光緒甲申江蘇書局開雕
at head of text: 烏程張鑒春治甫著
[Hummel, p. 399]

I 370
3 threadbound vols., 12.1 x 17.3 cm, incomplete.
t.p.: 初任脩要第一全書 ︱ 豐城藎山徐勷右彙輯 ︱ 本衙藏板 ︱ 新編吏治縣鏡

I 371
4 threadbound vols. in a case.
t.p.: 淄川蒲留仙著 ︱ 聊齋志異附註 ︱ 姑蘇步月樓梓
preface dated: 道光五年乙酉歲四月
[date is 1825]
at head of text: 文登 呂湛思 叔清輯

I 372
10 threadbound vols., 11.6 x 17.7 cm, in a case.

2 vols.
t.p.: 西夏紀事本末
reverse t.p.: 光緒已亥季秋慎記書莊石印
[date is 1899]
at head of text: 烏程張鑒春治甫著 ︱ 吳縣朱記榮槐廬校定

6 vols.
t.p.: 萍鄉李弟生廣文編纂 ︱ 遼金紀事本末
reverse t.p.: 光緒已亥季秋慎記書莊石印
[date is 1899]
3 vols.: at head of text: 遼史紀事本末 ︱ 萍鄉李有堂編纂
3 vols., at head of text: 金史紀事本末 ︱ 萍鄉李有堂編纂

2 vols.
t.p.: 元史紀事本末
reverse t.p.: 光緒已亥季秋慎記書莊石印
[date is 1899]
at head of text: 高安陳邦瞻德遼編輯 ︱
[ZGCS 292b]

I 373
1 threadbound vol., 16 x 27 cm.
at head of text: 大清律例增修統纂集成卷十六目錄
includes juan 16 and 17.
labelled vol. 9.
no other vols.
[Jinbun p. 396: 清任彭年重輯]

I 374
1 threadbound vol., 13.4 x 22.8 cm.
t.p.: 利文堂 ︱ 光緒三年 ︱ 諏吉通書
[date is 1877]

I 379
8 threadbound vols., 13.2 x 20.0 cm, in a case, maps, no text.
no t.p.
label on each vol.: 皇朝中外壹統輿圖
at page folds: 大清壹統輿圖
label inside case: Ex libris Hans Reusch.

I 937
loose double pages pasted up on cards, 34 x 28 cm, in 5 cases.
t.p.: 李苙翁先生論定 ︱ 繡水王安節纂古 ︱ 芥子園畫傳 ︱ 本衙藏板
reverse t.p. missing.
at end of preface: 康熙十有八年歲次已未長至後三日湖
[date is 1679]
[SOAS: by 王概] [Hummel p. 496: 湖上苙翁 literary name of 李漁]